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Hey guys! Since I haven't been able to put out the amount of content I'd like (or that you guys deserve!) for this month, I'll be skipping the billing cycle on June 1st. Billing will resume as normal come July 1st!

Thank you all so much!



Personally, I get that you couldn't just keep making art with a series of medical problems keeping you from working, so I don't think it's fair to put that on yourself, but at the same time, I get that people "expect" consistancy from patreon support, which is unfortunate. TL;DR, taking care of yourself shouldn't be punished and I hope you're doing well!


Thank you so much! I just didn't want anybody to feel cheated by the lack of polls this month so far. Since I need to charge upfront to avoid fake pledges, it works out okay. The June charge won't go through, but if anybody wants to show their support they still can.