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One last post of 2022, and it's a beefy one.

The last two scenes for Esotericer's animation are gonna take place after an off-camera tf of the two gals changing into more animalistic forms. Here we have the cow princess's animated portion done after quite a bit of tweaking here and there. Next week I'll finish sketching the pig one too, and once everything's done, I'll combine everything into a video form for a rough look at the finished animation. See you next year with that!

And speaking of princesses, the new secondary project is a comic commission for Emily Smith and it's a sequel to their princess Ashley and Dawn sequence from awhile ago. Gary and Serena are next to be getting promotions in this one, and along with the sketched first page, I also got the rough layouts for the other three pages too for an idea of how the rest of the comic will go.



Axel Cruz

It's looking good! Merry Christmas and happy new year x3


Ending on a cow note is the best <3


Ha. Beefy. Looks great and merry christmas!