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Lemme start off with a big thank you to Were-Monkey for funding the next couple weeks of progress. When I was looking at what I could cut down on to bring the total cost to finish this video down by half, I narrowed down the amount of necessary scenes I still needed to animate to this one and the next one where her face changes, finishing her transformation. The remaining storyboards could then be just still shots I could hold on if animation for those doesn't get made.

That means that once I have those parts sketched, I'll have the bare minimum amount of animation finished that I can get a dubbed video with audio from KinkyUtterances up soon, so do stick around if you wanna see that. My goal is to have the animation for this part sketched for next week, with the last bit of sketch animation done similarly later with keyframes done one week and in betweens done the week after. We're getting real close now.

And of course I also finished sketching the first Mon-Mon comic page from last week's update. Expect to see that one colored next week.




Had I known I funded a couple weeks worth of animation I would have threw in a commission in there too. Oh well, maybe I'll fix that in the next payment.


I am interested in creating a commission but I am new to this process.