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Had a pretty busy week, and also got word back from Sampleguy that they'll be starting on making the backgrounds for Link soon. 

And now for what I've got, first up I colored the pic of Minerva's tf for Lizardblizzard, so a big thanks to them for asking me to do that one. Then I got started on two new commissions I'll be doing this month. 

First up is the sequel to the Transformers comic from last month for Neo444. I've sketched the next page as well as the part of the last one in the set showing both the starting point and the ending point for the characters involved. There's gonna be alot of size play in this set so I hope you're a fan of that.

Along side that I'm also doing a tf sequence for Fiddletf which will have their OC Cinder becoming a living car. I so far only got the last step sketched, but I'll be starting up on the rest for next update. 

I'll be aiming to have both these projects finished this month, and then see what I'll be starting next near the end.



Finn the Human

Whomever gotten the coloured Cobra it's awesome and epic thank you and lucky really :)