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Okay I can say for sure now that this is the full sketch animation done. It's gotten long enough now that I had to make the full version into a video so check the link below to see that. Next step will be getting it colored.


And now for the new secondary project. Pukoblus was quick to claim the spot soon after I posted the finished page from last week, and the project they wanted was an edit of this Sailor Moon scene where it's changed to have Puuko infecting Sailor Moon with her Puukoness. So far I've sketched out I think most of the keyframes, and I'll have the rest sketched for next time, along with any sketch animation I manage to finish in time. Kinda feels funny going back to a somewhat smaller scale animation again, but the timing worked out pretty well since I'd be able to apply whatever I might learn echoing the Sailor Moon frames to detailing the frames for the Tg animation.





From what I've been told, she's a monster of the week from Sailor Moon.

Addlerson Zaddariah

Sorry I just realized that I should have just looked up her wiki page.🤦


Wait, there was a slot open or something? Is the second one a commission? In either case, both looks awesome!


That's a yes to both and thanks! Pretty much whenever I post a finished commission on one of these that means the slot it was taking up is then open.