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All things considered, I should probably start by saying that Tatsumaki's supposed to be like 28 during this scene, right?

Anywho, here's what I've colored so far of this one, with several more frames already lined and ready for coloring. This part and the udder part were what I was most curious about seeing how they would turn out since the way she's animated yelling meant that the growth couldn't be done in a continuous motion and I instead had to do three separate growth animations and mix them in with each other and then do extra adjustments to make sure the three separate animations matched with each other. I'm actually curious if this kind of thing is something that's ever been animated before since I'm not sure what other sort of scene would necessitate that. On a side note, I also attempted to recreate her glowing effect early with this one and I think I got it down good, but I'll see for sure when I get to the frames where she's already glowing in the scene. That way I can see both mine and the original effect side by side to make sure they match. See y'all next week with more progress.


And as an extra, here's a sketch for the other page Wiggles asked for. It's another Konosuba page and it's starting off the rest of the characters turning into a bunch of different things. Finished version next week.


And lastly a heads up for next month, I wasn't able to think of a perfect new system for the monthly idea thing and so I won't be able to do the monthly vote next month. Instead I wanted to take the time to go over with y'all what the new system should be. 

There'll still be animation work next month since I've been discussing some possible projects with folks willing to provide support to make things more advanced than what I've been able to do lately. I don't wanna say anything concrete just yet in case the plans fall through, but once those are done we should have a new method of idea submitting ready by then that will fix things going forward and correct this rut I feel I may have fallen into. My main goal is to always keep getting better about this. I know I owe it to all of you to keep doing that and looking back at the decline in support over the last three months, I know I've been falling short. So instead of waiting and hoping things get better, next month will be the start of what I hope will get things back on the right track. 



Aww naked Tatsumaki looks so cute. You became a master of boob growth Man


Dang that is some good work


Tatsumaki looks awesome when she loses the clothes and starts thiccening up! ^_^

Finn the Human

Aqua lizard looks hilarious lol 🤣🦎