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Okay, I've got nine ideas for y'all this month, one of which was submitted by Pixiv Fanbox supporter Faldorian. For the other ideas I wanna thank lea009, Deliciously Decadent, Leland Romeyn, Casey Hopkins, Disguy, Zeeich, Drivers765, and NSH Sky for submitting. Whatever wins this poll I'll be starting next week, since finn mc hugh  made it very clear to me they wanted someone else's idea to have a chance to get elected this month rather than continue working on their Tatsumaki idea. Eventually I'll need to figure out how doing multi-month projects works with the new no-consecutive-species rule, but for now let's get right to the next possible projects with the video links for the edits.

Kancolle squirrels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBIBUf1M8LA 0:08-0:31

Doraemon Werewolf Mother https://youtu.be/w6Z1lQZeoPQ 4:08-4:30

Even cattier Haru https://streamable.com/dfzeae starting around 0:40

Bimbo Lelouch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6N0RFX9S9o :43 - :56

Big Day toon moms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7ApuMZeyys&t=3s

Hoping I've got all that down right, it's on to the progress on last month's Long idea winner, which I'll be getting as much done as possible before I have to start the next one y'all vote on. This week I got about half of the in between frames sketched. I thought I was stuck when I got to those full body shots of Tatsumaki, the ones where she's shouting and moving up and down. After sketching the keyframes for the before and after of her expansion, it turned out that simply sketching the in betweens like normal was not gonna be possible, because they animated her moving eraticly in that part that there were no consistant in betweens. 

Eventually I figured out I actually needed to draw three seperate growth sequences to get the appropriate amount of growth for each frame where she's moving and them splice all three series together, and then do corrections to make sure things flowed well. I got it done for the first part of her body growth but I still need to do the part where her udder grows in. Here's hoping I can have the full animation sketched next week, and then it'll be ready to get colored if the idea ever gets voted on again.


And lastly as a little bonus, I sketched out another comic page, this time a Konosuba one. Gonna see about having that finished next week too.



Finn the Human

OK the selection for this month's idea box looks pretty wide and of much variety XD and I already have voted on the ones I definitely love. So does that mean after the Tatsumaki animation, after sketches is 'paused' in the meantime after this month's idea box suggestion gets voted? Cuz I do want to see it coloured n stuff but I do understand there are other projects to do and I understand you have to juggle n stuff. I'm just looking for clarification atm.


I hope the yugioh one gets more votes I love to see you continue on that and if not I hold on to it anyway maybe for a future poll mmk.


Personally am hoping mine gets picked it has always been the runner up idea 3 times in a row I really don’t want it to be a fourth but it looks like it is going to be a fourth time


Aw, my Kancolle idea got even less votes this time. Then again, some of these options are very good.