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With the votes all counted this month, the winning tf is the sequence of Shantae becoming a rather large Giga Mermaid. I'll be starting that one soon, and since it's a sequence I'll be able to have it easily finished in for next month's vote. 

Having done these polls for this long though, I'll admit there's been a number of ideas I was sad they couldn't have also won somehow, which is why I'd like to introduce the next step I want to start working towards in doing these animations. With this next goal I'll be able to choose from the monthly ideas based on which ones either have the most potential, how well I think I could execute the idea, or to make sure a good variety of ideas make it into production. I'm not really expecting to reach this goal all that soon what with everything going on, but I want to keep expanding on what I'm able to do for you all for supporting me, and this felt like the next big step.

And to show how much I appreciate y'all, I've got alot of other things to show for this week, starting with more progress on the Idol Cows. This week I've sketched out some more of Kanako's progression with some Shizuku included in there as well. This leads up to the next part with Shizuku and Kanako getting all close, and that amount of double character animation is gonna be a really big part of this whole animation.

Here's the video link for that too. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fzu6-XbRklGdoPkMrBZb28apdg2owDyE/view?usp=sharing

In addition to that, alot of this week was spent lining the frames for the Erza animation, though when I got around to coloring, I couldn't decide between two different color schemes. So like with Samus before I wanted to put it up to a vote, so let me know if you'd rather have Erza grow red fur or white fur.



And lastly this week I started work on another Digimon sequence I'd been commissioned a while ago of their character becoming the Digimon Meicrackmon. I've sketched out that sequence and I'll be coloring it this week.


And one last note, I probably won't be able to make next week's update on Friday, so it'll likely end up going up on Saturday instead. So I hope everyone has a great holidays then. Later.



Great work as always 👏. On my opinión, Update should be on Friday or Saturday(or any day of the weekend)Assuming you want to finish your target work on time with out to much crunch or a holiday is one of those days. ^_^


You've already turned her almost-all into rabbit, already once put her fur red.