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Comment below your idea for this month's poll, whether it's a drawing sequence or animation, making sure to include a link to the clip in question if it's a rotoscope or an animation edit. Be sure to send me the footage too so if it wins I can add the animation to the schedule too. And also, if you have a preference for if you want the animation idea to be SFW or NSFW, include that with your description.  If you've got any other specific details you want included, be sure to mention those too.



So gonna try a different Pokemon tf this time, maybe this one will be more likely to win. It be an edit of this episode, starting at 11:15. I was thinking the tf could happen at 11:26, but the part before may actually be better for the tf part (watching episodes of this season, they seem to really enjoy dynamic camera angles which made this a bit hard) This will be NSFW as well My thought was piplup could attack and then after she transforms or edit the attack to be something else that makes more sense but whatever it easier. Have her turn into a female prinplup, with breasts and have her play with her self after transforming. Have her retain a bit of her hair, the fin things on her head poking up through it a bit( or keep her hat on, i'm fine with either.) Her clothes can do whatever is easier, either fall off or just disintegrate. Have her be panicking a bit while the tf is happening but then blush a bit after and begin to enjoy her new form as she touches her self. Breasts are decent size but not overly large. Hope that's alright, if you need more details let me know or if you have any preference on adjusting the tf. I'll be able to get you the video no issue. https://www.pokeflix.tv/video/10-following-a-maidens-voyage Reference for height of prinplup https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/5c/DP026.png


11:29 would work since her jumping away would save me the trouble of having to edit her out of the scene. The angle is a bit awkward though so maybe I could just use the shot for the tf part, and include the clip from 13:11 mirrored for the part after since it shares the usable background from 12:55. That way it gives a better view and also shows the height you wanted.


If you think that'll work i'm all for that. would the bubbles in 11:29 be an issue though? Also if you're gonna use 13:11, maybe have piplup (male) be a bit aroused but I'm fine with skipping that if that would add too much extra work.

Casey Hopkins

sequence of Shantae (half genie) becoming a busty Giga Mermaid (boss from half genie hero)

Casey Hopkins

https://i1.wp.com/darkzero.co.uk/asset/2018/05/half-header.jpg?w=1380 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/shantae/images/8/8f/Giga_Mermaid.png/revision/latest?cb=20161211202050