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Noticed the time and realized there was no way I'd be able to finish sketching the rest of the in betweens for the Office Space animation in time tonight, which I probably shoulda seen coming with it being the longest animation edit I'll have done at this point, but let's start with the Idolmoosters first.

As it is, I'm on schedule to have the rest of this initial portion colored this month. This week I finished the last bit of Kanako's initial growth, and have also done the starting parts of Shizuku's, which just leaves the rest of the Shizuku frames I've sketched for next week's update.

And now for the Office Space animation. I managed to sketch most of the in betweens this week, though even if I had sketched the rest, I think there's still some tweaking I could do to the timing to help sell it better. I'll have the finished sketch done in time for next week's update, and I'll take the extra time to get a head start lining the frames so the full colored animation can be done for the update after, and then like I promised, I'll be starting the Mym sequence then.

And here's the video links as well. I don't know why it's fine rendering out the transparent layers as gifs but as videos the layer appears opaque.





I'm really looking forward to seeing the Office Space one done! Looks great so far!


I seriously love how you have been improving with your animations! I'll totally support you


I really appreciate it. I never wanna stop trying to improve.