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Alrigh alrigh alrigh, had to count the votes a few times to make sure I had it right. After checking who was applied for double votes and who wasn't, it was very close to being a tie between the Subaru tg idea and the Totally Spies bimbo one, but in the end the Totally Spies idea won. I suppose an easy one like that will be a nice change of pace, but this poll did give me a few thoughts. First of all, had this poll really ended in a tie, I likely would have had a tiebreaker vote this week to decide it, and secondly it made me put more thought into my suggestion box idea. 

Since alot of these polls have had ideas that I thought I could make into a really neat animation yet they didn't win, I'd like to be able to in addition to animating the winning idea, also animate one of the suggestions that most catches my attention, or maybe have it so that suggestion box ideas that don't win get saved to a separate idea box that I can pull from each month. I still haven't quite figured it out, but of course I won't be able to do it anyways until I'm making enough money through here that I don't have to worry about also being able to sell enough commissions each month to make do. So in the mean time I'll continue to focus on getting better so I can make it there.

But yeah, with the Totally Spies idea winning, I'll add that to the schedule once I've been sent the frames to edit. 

Speaking of frames it's finally time to start making in betweens for the idol cows, which came with the added bonus of my first attempt at animating burping. Maybe that's what I've been missing this whole time. I'm aiming to have a sizable chunk of the initial part sketched and then I'll color all those frames before moving on to the next portion.

And finally for extras, there's more kaiju tf.




These kaiju transformation are great


And the weregarurumon lost... profound sadness...


That Mecha King Ghidorah TF is wild. I have so many questions. Are the different heads still "her". And is her main head fully mechanical now, cockpit and all, Does she still have a will?


How about every now and again in a month the ideas that didn’t win get animated hmm?


Unless I hire a team to help me do animations, there's no way I'd ever be able to animate all the ideas that didn't win.


Thanks, it's nice to be able to tackle a design like that and not have to worry about it being something practical to animate.


She has three heads so that makes room for three different headcanons.


Lol, then you and your love will be reunited? You do good stuff regardless man, glad things are working well, you've been putting a ton of work on those animations.


True but I meant you could do a re-poll of them you know like how they have a re-election every few years mmk.