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Geeze, another late update. Turns out I was right in thinking that editing around those squiggles would be easier than dealing with gradients, but doing them for 125 frames turned out to be the real timesink. But now I'll be aware of that for the next time something like that comes up, so thanks go to Ficfactor for suggesting this idea, and to you all for your continued support, especially Lake, Shovels Lord, Foxingtonthethird, MarxSoul, Garric Rodgers, Ficfactor, KCruzer, Mitchellwolbert, Kyle D Richard, javier, Anders Danielson, Bobby Vasquez, Captain Kian, Dusk, lonakana, Dr. Beaubourg, KKD Silver, Shawn Cross, Zeidel, Jack Deebs, Shineofrain, weaselodoom, Shane Akers, SeveredFang, Daniel Allmrodt, MangaReaderman, and Asagiri.

Now for the next piece of that title, normally since it's the second friday of the month, I'd be posting the poll in this update, but since this month's suggestion box only got one submission, a vote would be kinda redundant, so winning by default for this month's voted animation will be turning Tifa into a chocobo girl using the clip from this video here. It's been a while since I've had a go at a bird tf, so I'll see about having the keyframes atleast sketched by next week's update, as well as getting those frames isolated for editing to assuming I can get access to just that small piece footage.  https://youtu.be/UwDgbSfL_AU  At time 23.43 - 23.51 

And finally, the extra for this week is a finished version of the Konosuba comic page from a bit ago. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dnUfitRYewD-mJCrtaOB5AT8Lp-io2rs/view?usp=sharing



Hot damn, that turned out wonderfully.


Looks lovely. I just wish more of these had sound.