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I hope I never have to make a post this late again, but I was waiting to make sure if this would be the month we started the voting, and by the skin of our teeth we made it. I definitely wanna take a moment to thank Lake for adjusting their pledge for what I assume was each time we dipped below the threshold. 

But now that we've made it, you can see the new tiers I've added to address the issues that came up with the previous animation. I don't expect anyone to remain in those tiers for more than one poll at a time. This is entirely to keep the number of ideas to something manageable, and as promised, all patrons will be able to vote on their choice for the each animation. I'll be making the post for nominating ideas shortly after I finish writing out this one.

Now onto the work, I finished sketching the initial movement for Starboy8's mememe tg, and you can probably see there's gonna be alot going on with this one. It's not gonna be just a simple matter of replacing the same background frame over the latter half since I'll be following close to the original motion like with the mountain dew animation. This is all stuff I've done before, but I'm so glad once again I can apply these techniques in a new way, so look forward to the finished version going up next week.

And in addition to that, for this week's extra I've got another page for the Konosuba comic.




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