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Lemme show y'all my love on this day by having this done in time for today's update. Because sleep is still overrated. 

Apologies that she still ended up moving too fast, especially coming after receiving your feedback on the Samus animation. I know what I need to do now to fix that should I ever do another one of these rotoscoping projects, and whatever the next animation ends up being will definitely focus on slower movement.

Here's a video link to the original render so you can play it at half speed if you prefer.


Thank you all for your continued support, and special thanks to Lachlan John Hodson, Ficfactor, Ehanu "Mung" Rehu, Shane Akers, SeveredFang, Jesus España, deamonnet156, Dominik Cała, Daniel Allmrodt, MangaReaderMan, MadMilk, and norikazudoi!

Extra this week is something of a rocky one. Both in subject matter and the process of making it...




ROFL, don't know what I expected when you mentioned a "rocky subject", but I was surprised ^^.


Jesus Christ, man, that's amazing. Do more of these.


I definitely hope to. It's just a matter of whether or not I can find some appropriate footage.


Only ever really heard of Rotoonscoping once or twice but never seen it before. And this was a great first example of it. Can't wait to see what else you come up with


WEY NO MAMES.... EXCELLENT WORK.... a Tf Toonification, and use a Jessica Rabbit bimbo from the transformation, is Wonderfull. Excellent Experiment.