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I ran out of room on FA to tag the fetishes in this new animation. That should put things in perspective before clicking the link, and I can't wait to hear what y'all think.


Edit: New link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MgE1YtBVBQJScuRNDzXPFw_a5VJ2QSQd/view?usp=sharing



The link here is 404ing for me - any chance for an updated link?


I've added the updated version to the Google Drive, but it seems to be taking a while to process, so here's a Dropbox link in the mean time. The actual animatic's gonna look different than how it did at the time of the original post since by now I've gone back and resketched most of the original storyboards. https://www.dropbox.com/s/n0xsx567fvmjumy/toonboar.mp4?dl=0