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They each grabbed a controller seeing the title screen come up and they pressed onward to character selection. Villam immediately clicked on one who had been known in the franchise as an all-rounder type skill set.

“I see you picked Juniper.”

“Heck yeah! Love this guy. He’s so versatile.”

“Then I’ll pick mine,” came Sirius, moving his selection over to a female.

“Not Kelsie,” groaned the Chimera. “You like zoners?”

The Wakita blushed, scratching a fluffy cheek. “I do… I might not be the best with them but I like the combo’s she can do.”

Villam gave out a sigh, as he slumped a bit more in his posture. “Okay.”

“I could pick another character if you’d like.”

“No. No. I’ll still have fun. Just wasn’t expecting you to be a zoner type guy. Thought big and heavy was more your steam.”

The floofer chuckled, sending his selection to a much heavier built type character. “I do enjoy me some Claude for sure.”

Villam’s attitude perked up hearing the laughter of the bigger male. “Pick who you want dude. I’ll fight whoever. Let’s get this turf battle going.”

The first few rounds went back and forth with Villam being able to showcase just how flexible and versatile his character really was while Siri would get a few wins off of those corner combo pins. An hour flew by as they closed in on the second before they decided to take a small break.

“Whew,” came the Chimera, leaning back on the couch. “This game is so much fun and the graphics are stellar!”

“Right! They all have new ultra finishers too or I assume with the ones we’ve played do.”

Villam chuckled, looking his head about the place. “Didn’t Mia say something about snacks?”

The door behind them opened up as the squirrel entered inside. “Here they are. Something from Siri’s partner. They’re name is… Arc I believe.”

Sirius nodded. “That’s them. Did she not stay?”

“These were ordered delivery for you here.” She came closer carrying a large tray of cookies and brownies of various flavors with a card placed on the top. Mia set it on the coffee table in front. “Can I get you something to drink with all these goodies?”

“I think some milk or soda could do,” replied Villam, licking his lips.

“Yes please, chimed the Wakita. “And thank you.”

Mia smiled and took her leave to gather the beverages.

Sirius reached forward, taking the card in hand, opening it. “Hope you boys are enjoying yourself and that this platter of treats only helps motivate you both to go to bigger heights.”

Villam looked over to see the letter himself. “That was sweet of them to do.”

Sirius chuckled, closing it up. “Yes but I wonder.”

The chimera head tilted. “Wonder?”

My moot has a way of being sneaky in innocent ways. Especially with that last wording.”

“You mean the ‘bigger heights’?”


Villam thought about it for a moment until his eyes widened and he gained a smirk. “What could be the harm of a little friendly competition?”

The muscular floofer heard the change of tone in his pal, dipping his head below to see that teasing face. “Something told me you’d be up for it.”

That smirk quickly shifted to a bashfulness. “C-Can you blame me. We even have this large ass room for it. B-Besides! I bet you’d love t-to see me bigger.”

A boisterous laughter sounded out of the canine, reaching for the platter and taking a cookie in paw before he leaned over, pressing a good amount of his weight onto the Chimera. “Then open up. Let’s say you won that first section of battles.”


Soon, his mouth was filled by the rich chocolate treat as he chomped down on it, giving it a few chews before gulping it down. His taste buds danced by the overload of sugar melt along his tongue. He let out a joyful groan, as his lips curled upward into a big smile.

Sirius blinked at the reaction from his skinny friend. “That good are they?”

“He nodded happily, giving one more gulp to get the rest of it down. “It sure was!” The moment it all left his mouth, he felt his stomach heat up, and he reached for it. “I think you might of been right.”

“Told ya.”

The warmth soon permeated through the rest of his body as he felt his muscles take the brunt of it, as he huffed. “I… I could really use something cool to drink.”

The Wakita looked down at his pal watching his own lanky frame suddenly gain some much needed mass. Nothing that grand but enough for his boneyness to slip away by the rise of those now toned biceps, rounder shoulders, and fuller chest area. “Quick as usual too.”

The warmth left as fast as it arrived but it still left Villam a whirl in his head. That was until his paw felt at one of his thighs. “I-Is that?” He gave another probing grab at it. “T-There’s muscle there now or I should say developed ones.”

“For the one who was willing to do this. You sure are being surprised right now.”

That bashful nature returned to the Chimeras cheeks. “W-Well… I wasn’t sure myself but it does feel great.”

“Oh yeah,” the Wakita grabbed his controller once more. “Then let’s see if you can get another win and another treat.”

“You bet,” shouted the other, snatching up his own. Again the realization of his more fit form tugging at his clothing caused him to snicker. “I’m gonna beat you and add some more mass.”

“You’re on!”


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