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     In the heart of the mystical realm of Vela, where anthro beings of various shapes and sizes coexisted, there lived a short stack male bat named Hilal. Despite his height, he had grown outward in muscular width. Hilal was known for his keen senses mostly due to him being born blind at birth, which forced him to attune to all of them. He had made a life for himself under the service of his prince, Eligos as a stealthy spy and informant. One day, as Hilal finished debriefing, Prince Eligos called upon him to his chambers with a special mission.

"Hilal," boomed Eligos, the large and imposing muscular figure of a jet black bull with numerous craving like lines that ran over his body. His deep voice resonated through the stone walls of the royal chamber. "I have a task for you. A new cave has been discovered on the outskirts of our kingdom. I want you to explore it and report back on the potential resources it may hold."

Hilal bowed in respect of being in the royal's presence. “Yes, my Prince but why me? Don’t you have others to do such a task?

“I do but I’d rather you go,” he replied, stepping closer, pulling the dark blue cloth that covered the bat's face and head. When he did, it revealed those milky shrouded eyes that held a luminous glow.  “No one has better “eyes” than yours nor the wit to estimate the value of things. I couldn’t possibly send Saros or Kassinni could I?”

Hilal couldn’t help but smirk, hearing his Prince give such high praise. “I guess not. I do love that himbo of a caribou and Kassinni is much too hot headed.”

“Then you do understand and anyone outside of my personal commanders wouldn’t be allowed to venture into unknown areas.”

“Then I accept this order from my Prince with pride and honor. I shall not fail you.” He gave another bow before lifting his head to hear the Prince beginning to undress as attendants slipped their way towards him. He quickly headed out, placing his cloth back over his eyes,  to make preparations for his mission.

As he made his trek across the pristine palace ground and into the rural areas. He had equipped himself with a pickaxe, and a sense of determination as he kept up his high spirits of not wanting to fail his Prince. In time, he came across a cave, sensing the ground much like the ones they had explored before for the valuable resources which sustain their entire population.

He placed a hand at one of the sides to the opening, taking in a big whiff of the air.. “Yes. This is the place. Reminds me of the caves I’d delve into during my younger days of training.”

Hilal ventured into the mysterious cave, the darkness enveloping him as he descended deeper into the earth. The darkness was his home and always had been, even becoming his playground. The cave was damp and filled with an eerie silence that seemed to amplify every step he took or breath uttered. Still, he persisted onward because there was nothing on the planet that would deter him from his mission of honoring his Prince.

“For a cave that was supposed to be undiscovered… I’m surprised how far I’ve been able to go,” he surprisingly remarked.

Deeper into the cave, the air grew thicker, and a faint glow emanated from a distant chamber. Hilal's heart quickened as he approached, his senses heightened, feeling that warm glow which softly pulsed in the distance.

“What in the…,” he reached out a hand, feeling the space open back until he came to a complete stop. He stood there, having that glow brush across his front as he took in a deep breath, while removing the cloth from his head. As he released it, he let out a one big shout which brought the glow of his eyes brighter and he was able to get a general visage of the space for a few seconds before it faded.

In the center of the cavern, he discovered a large, radiant crystal that bathed the entire room in a mesmerizing light. The crystal's surface sparkled with otherworldly energy, casting dazzling reflections on the cave walls. Hilal marveled at its beauty, unable to tear his eyes away from the mysterious artifact. As he extended a cautious hand to touch it, the crystal pulsed with energy, and a surge of warmth enveloped him.

“Where did you come from,” he marveled, running his hand over its surface as more of the energy worked itself through his beefy figure. His two toned blue fur lighting up as it oscillated the power coursing within, “This is magnificent. I must get some of this to the Prince.”

He reached for the pickaxe he had brought, and gave a powerful swing towards the crystal. As it struck, he could hear a definite break to the stone as a portion of it landed next to his feet. He tossed the axe, reaching down to retrieve the other. “Here you are,” he smiled.

Even though it was considerably smaller, that energy still tingled within his palms. The longer he held onto it, he could feel it tickle inside his mind. “Bigger? Who me,” he asked, like he was talking to someone. “I’m already big. Wait? You mean even bigger?”

He stood there, clutching at the crystal he had taken, a grin spreading across his face, slipping the hood back over his eyes. “I guess I could. If you think it will make Eligos and my Saros value my efforts even more.”

As Hilal continued to talk to the apparent stone, his demeanor shifted in the time it took him to get back onto palace grounds. Where he should have gone straight to the Prince for his report, instead he shirked it and made haste to the royal exercise room.

“I must swell. I must grow bigger,” he chuckled, starting to rack up, pulling off his shirt and hood.


As the days rolled into weeks from when he found the crystal, whatever had been speaking to him only increased its hunger within the bat. Even on the day he was summoned to Eligo’s chambers to inquire why he had been late in his report. Hilal shrugged it off, going once more to lift as he had been doing since his return.

Word had spread through the palace of the oddness from one who had always been the pinnacle of royal etiquette and humility. Now the gossip spread like wildfire of the bat who seemed nothing more than a selfish brute. To the point that rarely anyone would ever venture into the same space as him. Mostly, that had become the exercise room. This was the final straw for the Prince, now taking leave of his quarters to seek out his trusted friend to uncover what was going on.

“Hilal,” he called out, entering the exercise room. As the large bull made himself known, the room was empty except for the bat. He looked on, watching the shorter fella hoist up the barbell carrying close to all of the plates it could handle which should have been six hundred pounds. “Hilal,” he spoke more directly this time towards the other. “Why have you been avoiding me and what is the meaning of these rumors I hear of you?”

The clang of the bar slams onto its respective holder, while he let out heavy breaths. The rise and fall of his swollen chest mounds grazed along the bottom of the bar as big beads of sweat rolled off them. He laid there, basking in the rush of his efforts and seeing the real time growth he’d gained in only the span of those four days. He dipped his chin, nestling it between the upper valley of his pecs, sniffing at his potent musk.

“Hilal,” once more called Eligos, this time moved right next to the bench he was resting on. The tone of his voice had shifted from concern to anger. “Don’t ignore your Prince. What is the meaning of this?” He looked down, seeing the increase of size the bat had indeed gained since he last saw him. Hilal was by no means a small guy before all this but he knew how to measure in all things, himself most notably. So when he saw how much bigger his pecs were and how they rose, blocking where his chin delved it was a shock. He eyed a bit closer, noticing the very same crystal he heard talk of. He gazed across his shoulders, seeing how full and rounder they had grown nearly bumping the metal stands on either side.

Hilal finally lifted his eyes upward to see the curious bovine. He smirked, bringing a hand up to the bar, and pulling himself upright. “Hello there Eligos. Didn’t see ya there.”

The groan of the bench broke the Prince’s admiration, shaking his head and snorting. “See? What about hear? What is that around your neck? Is it the crystal you found?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mea-”

“Yes. Grow. Must grow much bigger. Wider. Heavier,” the bat started to speak to himself or to someone.

Eligos listened to the hedonistic ramblings, seeing for himself the truth to some of the gossip that had filled its halls. “Who are you speaking to?”

Hilal titled his head with a baffled look. “To? What on earth do you mean?” Even as he said that, his head lowered once more, and he began once more to speak of his future growth and pride in it.

“What madness has overcome you Hilal,” cautioned Eligos, taking a step back. “I must find Utea and see what she can do for you.” He left, giving one more look to his friend.

The blue furred bat rolled one shoulder, then the other followed by stretching out his beefy neckline. He let out a heady sigh, feeling the density of it all and how it slowly continued to get harder and harder to do so. “Fuck,” he gasped, reaching at one of his pecs and pushing back on it. “Now this is true mastery.” He flexed it, making it pop up and down before doing the same to the other. It was enough to coax out a deep moan from the bat, continuing the solo show of his dancing chest mounds. “Must. Get. Bigger.”

When he finally grew tired of bouncing those meat slabs, his hands roamed back across their wide expanse, giving a push here or a grab there. His nipples had thickened in time with the mounting heft of his pecs which now snagged the necklace of the crystal between them letting the stone itself dangle underneath. “More. More. More,” he moaned, each one growing louder and louder as he shifted his bloated thunder thighs against one another, plopping at his turgid bulge.

He slipped a hand towards it, taking the shape of his member within it and as he squeezed, a servant of the palace entered only to witness the passions of the bat who quickly gushed out a wad of his spunk inside his briefs. That was enough to cause the embarrassed lady to make a speedy retreat.

Hilal, unaware of the spectator, let out a deep sigh before leaning back on the bench, looking back up at the bar and with a chuckle, took in his grip once more and lifted it up. “No time… to relax. Must. Grow. Bigger.,” he huffed, pumping all that weight as if he hadn’t done a set prior.

“That’s right,” came a whispered voice. “Grow. Be the biggest hulking behemoth of them all.”

“Yes. Big. Bigger. Biggest,” replied Hilal, unphased that what was once only a feeling had morphe into this whispered sound. “Behemoth Bat. Massive.” He continued to utter more of those intoxicating thoughts into his mind, urging him onward in his thirst and desire for more as he flared those arms, inching ever bigger than most torsos.


“My Prince,” exclaimed a palace servant, bursting into the bull's personal chambers. “It’s Hilal! He’s… he’s… massive!”

“Hilal,” questioned Eligos, rising to his feet. “He hasn’t been here for months. Not after I threw him out when he refused Utea. That is, my sisters help.”

“Yes my prince,” replied the trembling fox. “We all remember that day when you declared him no longer part of your court but it’s true he's here.”

Eligos motioned towards a window which looked out over a portion of the palace grounds, a garden that his sister and her own attendees would watch over. As he peered out, he saw a number of other servants going here and there in a panic. “What is the meaning of this,” he snorted, pulling back into his chambers. He worked himself past the timid vulpine, blasting out another snort at him. “”Come!”

“Y-Yes Sir!” The fox did as ordered, scurrying close behind.

“How can one bat be the cause of so much commotion,” Eligos grumbled, watching as more servants ignored their bovine royal. That is until he grew too vex and caught one of them by the shoulder. “Why the hurry? Don’t you see your prince?”

The tiger tried to squirm out of the grip until he noticed who had stopped him. “M-M-My Prince,” he stammered, darting his head around. “It’s H-H-Hilal! He’s…”

The fox peered from behind the broadbacked bull which set the others mind at ease. “Oh… s-so you know…”

“Eligos could only tilt his head in confusion. “Know? Know what? That he’s massive? What am I!? Punny?”

The feline paused to gulp, as if to keep himself from answerting.

“Well,” came the prince, leaning himself closer.

“N-No! Y-You’re not b-but… Hilal… is the sight to see and…”


The feline tilted his own head back to the fox who had slipped once more behind his prince.

A-And… he’s eating us…”

That caught him by surprise, releasing the tiger who took the newfound opportunity to flee. He stood there in disbelief to hear of such an act coming from his former friend or was it by this point. He had seen the Hilal he used to know fade away before he banished him, especially that day when he witnessed first hand how much of him had changed. He shook his head clear of those troubling thoughts. “No. It can’t be true,” he once more headed down the corridor until it led him out into the courtyard.

When he entered the space, he heard cries and screams for mercy and while he canvassed the area, his vision indeed caught hold of a massive blue figure. His speed halted only for a moment til it picked back into a slow walk. “Hilal,” he called out, only to catch Saros, his army general trying to hold back some of his men. “Saros! What is the meaning of this?”

The pink crystal horned caribou turned to greet the voice of his prince with a grimace smile of his own. “I went to find him and brought him back.”

“You what!?” Eligos turned back to look upon the hulking version of the bat he once knew. That sprawling backside could rival that of his own palace doors.

When Hilal lumbered himself to the side, reaching for another to grasp. That sweeping arm was that of a stone pillar, sporting a bicep bigger than his own head. He easily was able to snatch up anyone within his vicinity thanks to the added increase of height. No longer did the short stack title fit him for he had stretched upward now standing a few inches taller than the prince who was above nine feet. As he hoisted a couple of servants towards his mouth, those giant bloated pecs inflated fuller as he took a deep breath. His abs were hard as the chiseled stone even if they were being pushed outward by the late morning feast.

“Saros! What is the meaning of this!?”

“More,” came the husky tone of the bat. “Bigger. Protein. Meat. More.”

“Yes that’s right,” followed an audible voice. One that was no longer locked within the bats own psyche.

“That’s why,” replied Saros, having quelled his men and made his way to his prince. “I knew something must have taken hold of him.”

As the caribou met up with the bovine, the pair caught the attention of the muscle glutton bat. He shifted himself fully to the front, with legs that would shame any of the ancient trees with their insanely packed quads which propped up his well-endowed manhood which throbbed, oozing out its pre. Those boulderous triceps flared his arms outward to only display his mountainous shoulders that pushed back onto his swollen neck of beef. A heavy sigh released out of him, letting those chest mounds deflate slightly but still blocking the majority of his chin and lower face. He arched his head up as best he could, stuffing the servants down his mouth and having them sink into his stomach. When they did, his middle rounded out even bigger, and he gave out a euphoric gasp. “Fuuuuuuuuuck….”

Eligos as he stared at the beast, still couldn’t bring himself to believe this was Hilal. The bat who thought it rude to excuse yourself without a simple gesture of doing so. Yet, here he or some version of him now morphed into this behemoth of greed and hedonistic urges.

“We need to get the crystal away from him,” said Saros.

“Yeah? How do we do that?”

In the short span of Hilala consuming those servants his body pulsed and flexed, until it started to surge in both girth and height. He gave out a bellowed moan, feeling his dick go semi-hard as more of his spunk globbed on the grounds. “More. More. MORE!”

“More,” came the voice, louder this time. “Consume them all. Make them your new body and take the throne!”

As the voice spoke, it started to sound familiar to the prince. “Wait? I-Is that Galnir?”

“Galnir,” responded the caribou. “You mean the one mage your father banished around the time of his ascension?”

“That very one.” Eligos stepped towards the giant Hilal who had taken on another two feet of height. “Galnir! Is that you?”

Hilal only moaned to the call, as he tried to reach for any part of himself but had fully become too wide and dense to have any proper mobility. That being said, the voice grew quiet.

The prince smirked, at the silence. “So it is you. I wonder how you came to be in that crystal cause my father only banished you.”

“Silence,” spoke the voice. “I will have this throne and your family will rue the day you cast me out.”

Eligos, ignoring the threat, pulled out a small black stone with a marking on it. “Will see about that. Now release my friend.” He raised his arm, throwing the stone on to the ground as it broke. When it did, a swirl of blackness came from it as it whipped around Hilal like a thick rope until it entered inside his nostrils and mouth. A horrid scream sounded out of him and continued until it was pulled out of his mouth. There, within the blackness was the crystal and the voice echoing inside.

“Release me! Release me!” It hung within the black vapors, that is until the stone began to disintegrate. “No. No. No! NO!” That was the last of Galnir that was to be heard.

In the moment he was pulled out of Hilal, the gigantic bat toppled onto his back with a quaking thud, causing tremor cracks to open up all around him.

“Hilal,” called Saros, rushing over. When he reached the others head, all he could hear was loud snoring, mixed with some mumbles about growing bigger which brought a chuckle out of him. “I think he’s safe.”

“Well good but now I must find a use for such a titan.”

As he made his way over to Saros, most of the servants had settled down, knowing the monster was subdued. That didn’t stop some from calling for justice and punishment towards him and Saros for bringing it upon them.

“I’ll take care of them,” assured Eligos, moving towards the uproar with open arms.


As the months passed from that frightful day in the palace courtyard. Eligos was able to snuff out any more rumblings of justice for the fallen servants thanks to the judgment placed down towards Hilal. It being that Hilal had to stay away from the palace which allowed the prince to give him a new command. That of dealing with enemies who sought harm to Vela. This was mostly done through combat where Hilal himself had become more than enough to tackle small armies or bandits.

The colossal sized bat had only swelled bigger as the year drew to its close with little effort on his part. Utea through her own research could only deduce that Hilal must have absorbed more of the magic that had been infused by Galnir into his own system and it was taking time for it to fully expel. Thankfully with each spurt that augmented his form, it waned less and less with the most recent one granting him a meager twenty-five pounds of added bulk. His height had plateaued two months ago around sixteen feet.

As the lumbering figure of the man stepped, he shook the very earth beneath those titanic legs now wider than they were tall as each thigh bulged heavily fighting for space one with another. He moved through the open field, taking a deep breath of fresh air. His pecs swelled immensely, blocking even more of his view. He had gotten adjusted to this new way of living, it being another version of his blindness even if he now needed a bit more guidance from his partner, Saros.

The caribou close behind, pressed a hand along the bat’s rounded out abs. “You doing okay hun?”

Hilal breathed out, giving out an added sigh. “Yeah. I still can’t believe this has happened to me. I mean… look at me.” He flexed his arms, surging out each bicep into massive orbs of brawny beef. His own neck had thickened, daring to eclipse his head while his shoulders stretched on either side creating a landscape of sorts.

Saros chuckled, watching his man show off. “I know but can’t say I mind. Plus, you’ve been able to keep our way of life safe.” He pressed against that dense roid gut, darting his vision back up to marvel at the heft and mountainous overhang those pecs loomed above. “Now why don’t you bounce those babies for me.”

Hilal blushed at the offer but could never deny his love. So with gusto, he made each humongous chest mound dance and pop with ease. The rush of it sent a thrill over the bat’s senses feeling it stir at his crotch. That turgid cock had grown along with the rest of him as it throbbed with all of it's giant girth, gushing out a wad of pre. “Ooooooh… Saros,” he groaned, continuing to flex his pecs, biceps and even his thighs. That mammoth sprawling backside packed with more brawn bulged easily with each subtle motion. He thrusted those thick hips, making his wrecking ball sac plap back at his thighs.

The caribou knew what he had done and it brought a grin across his face. “Don’t worry sweetie. Your bou is here and I’m gonna make sure you are well rewarded for all your service you’ve done this year and to fully experience what it means to be a titan of power and lust.

Hilal’s headspace soon erupted in a fit of swirling haze and his eyes limped, feeling his member now being teased and handled by his lover. Never had he experienced such pleasures of the flesh nor his senses so riddled with excitement than now but he’d have it no other way than with the one whom he loved. “Yes Saros, let’s experience this together and make our bond that much stronger,” he cooed, for being such a hulking beast of himself. He landed onto his bounteous booty, pecs fully covering anything outside of their vision but he was ready for this moment to begin and for their love to deepen. That day in the cave had led to this and it was made for a glorious chronicle.


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