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As the days rolled into weeks from when he found the crystal, whatever had been speaking to him only increased its hunger within the bat. Even on the day he was summoned to Eligo’s chambers to inquire why he had been late in his report. Hilal shrugged it off, going once more to lift as he had been doing since his return.

Word had spread through the palace of the oddness from one who had always been the pinnacle of royal etiquette and humility. Now the gossip spread like wildfire of the bat who seemed nothing more than a selfish brute. To the point that rarely anyone would ever venture into the same space as him. Mostly, that had become the exercise room. This was the final straw for the Prince, now taking leave of his quarters to seek out his trusted friend to uncover what was going on.

“Hilal,” he called out, entering the exercise room. As the large bull made himself known, the room was empty except for the bat. He looked on, watching the shorter fella hoist up the barbell carrying close to all of the plates it could handle which should have been six hundred pounds. “Hilal,” he spoke more directly this time towards the other. “Why have you been avoiding me and what is the meaning of these rumors I hear of you?”

The clang of the bar slams onto its respective holder, while he let out heavy breaths. The rise and fall of his swollen chest mounds grazed along the bottom of the bar as big beads of sweat rolled off them. He laid there, basking in the rush of his efforts and seeing the real time growth he’d gained in only the span of those four days. He dipped his chin, nestling it between the upper valley of his pecs, sniffing at his potent musk.

“Hilal,” once more called Eligos, this time moved right next to the bench he was resting on. The tone of his voice had shifted from concern to anger. “Don’t ignore your Prince. What is the meaning of this?” He looked down, seeing the increase of size the bat had indeed gained since he last saw him. Hilal was by no means a small guy before all this but he knew how to measure in all things, himself most notably. So when he saw how much bigger his pecs were and how they rose, blocking where his chin delved it was a shock. He eyed a bit closer, noticing the very same crystal he heard talk of. He gazed across his shoulders, seeing how full and rounder they had grown nearly bumping the metal stands on either side.

Hilal finally lifted his eyes upward to see the curious bovine. He smirked, bringing a hand up to the bar, and pulling himself upright. “Hello there Eligos. Didn’t see ya there.”

The groan of the bench broke the Prince’s admiration, shaking his head and snorting. “See? What about hear? What is that around your neck? Is it the crystal you found?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mea-”

“Yes. Grow. Must grow much bigger. Wider. Heavier,” the bat started to speak to himself or to someone.

Eligos listened to the hedonistic ramblings, seeing for himself the truth to some of the gossip that had filled its halls. “Who are you speaking to?”

Hilal titled his head with a baffled look. “To? What on earth do you mean?” Even as he said that, his head lowered once more, and he began once more to speak of his future growth and pride in it.

“What madness has overcome you Hilal,” cautioned Eligos, taking a step back. “I must find Utea and see what she can do for you.” He left, giving one more look to his friend.

The blue furred bat rolled one shoulder, then the other followed by stretching out his beefy neckline. He let out a heady sigh, feeling the density of it all and how it slowly continued to get harder and harder to do so. “Fuck,” he gasped, reaching at one of his pecs and pushing back on it. “Now this is true mastery.” He flexed it, making it pop up and down before doing the same to the other. It was enough to coax out a deep moan from the bat, continuing the solo show of his dancing chest mounds. “Must. Get. Bigger.”

When he finally grew tired of bouncing those meat slabs, his hands roamed back across their wide expanse, giving a push here or a grab there. His nipples had thickened in time with the mounting heft of his pecs which now snagged the necklace of the crystal between them letting the stone itself dangle underneath. “More. More. More,” he moaned, each one growing louder and louder as he shifted his bloated thunder thighs against one another, plopping at his turgid bulge.

He slipped a hand towards it, taking the shape of his member within it and as he squeezed, a servant of the palace entered only to witness the passions of the bat who quickly gushed out a wad of his spunk inside his briefs. That was enough to cause the embarrassed lady to make a speedy retreat.

Hilal, unaware of the spectator, let out a deep sigh before leaning back on the bench, looking back up at the bar and with a chuckle, took in his grip once more and lifted it up. “No time… to relax. Must. Grow. Bigger.,” he huffed, pumping all that weight as if he hadn’t done a set prior.

“That’s right,” came a whispered voice. “Grow. Be the biggest hulking behemoth of them all.”

“Yes. Big. Bigger. Biggest,” replied Hilal, unphased that what was once only a feeling had morphe into this whispered sound. “Behemoth Bat. Massive.” He continued to utter more of those intoxicating thoughts into his mind, urging him onward in his thirst and desire for more as he flared those arms, inching ever bigger than most torsos.


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