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Atticus and Lea, two inseparable friends, were out on their daily jog through the quiet outskirts of their small town. As they followed the familiar path, their tall, skinny frames moved in rhythm, lost in the tranquility of the moment. This start to their days would bring about a number of different topics they’d discuss during their course. Today’s choice was the previous night's season finale of their favorite T.V. show.

“I know,” came Lea, the peach fur colored rabbit. “I can’t believe she let them go.”

“It was a bit strange,” replied Atticus, a human with a slight tan. “Guess it’s more set-up for next season but I was sure she was going to finally get her vengeance.”

Lea shook her head. “You’re right though. It’s making the start of next season even more dramatic.”

As they continued to talk about the curious ending, they would pass by fellow joggers who they’d made passing mutuals with along the way, offering gentle waves or nods. It was then that atticus took notice of an offshoot from the standard trail.

“You see that,” he gestured.

Lea glanced his own head towards it. “That’s always been there.”

“Let’s go down it.”

Before Lea could protest, he watched his pal break down it, following its faint pathway. With a sigh, the rabbit quickly followed. “Wait up.”

During their jog, which led them a ways deeper into the park forest, the duo stumbled upon an abandoned building. Its once vibrant walls now bore the scars of time, and the windows were shattered, letting sunlight filter through the debris.

“Would you look at that,” spoke Atticus, coming to a full stop.

Intrigued as always, Atticus let their curiosity overcome them once more, moving ever closer.

“Atticus,” called out to his buddy who eventually showed up. Unlike the human, the rabbit’s innate animal instincts typically kept them more on the cautious side of life. “Don’t you think we should head back. We don’t even know what this place is.”

Those seem to fall on deaf ears, while Atticus pressed forward. Approaching the entrance, he noticed signs that hinted at the building's mysterious past. “HyperTech
 Ventures,” he read, brushing a hand across a cloudy nameplate.

“Did you say HyperTech Ventures,” asked Lea.

Atticus nodded.

“That was a lab corp I recently read about. They went out of business nearly a  couple decades ago.”

Those decades of disuse certainly showed themselves to the unannounced pair. It had allowed nature to reclaim its territory, with vines creeping up the walls as they darted their sights along the outside walls and peering from those same broken windows.

“I think I can see some stuff inside,” came Lea, leaning themselves inside thanks to their height to avoid any glass shards.

Atticus moved towards the same window seeing a thick layer of dust covering the forgotten equipment. The air inside carried a musty scent, a testament to the years of neglect. “I think you’re right.” He looked over to his friend, with a smile spreading along his lips.

“No,” immediately answered the rabbit. “I know that look and no!”

“Aw, cmon dude. Who are we going to bother?”

“That’s not the point. I have to get home and shower so I can go to my yearly health check.”

Atticus rolled his dismissive eyes. “You can always set up another one. Besides, we both know you are in great shape.”

Lea, wanting to protest more, couldn't fully deny that statement. In the seconds they held their tongue, Atticus took his moment to grab the door and pull it open. Thankfully it had no chain lock and if it had ever been locked it had finally given out.

As the human stepped inside, his rabbit buddy followed a close second. The duo explored the lab, soon to stumble upon old research notes and journals scattered on dusty countertops.

“Look at this,” came Atticus, blowing off a cloud of dust from a journal. He anxiously opened it up, flipping through the pages before landing on one. He looked it over, seeing the smudged and faded words of ink. “This marks
 our first real
 test success
” He tilted his head, then looked back to Lea. “what does that mean?”

Lea shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“You said you read about them.”

“I did but it was mostly theories on what they were up to. All anyone knew for sure is that they were trying to create magic through science.”

“Really! Magic through science..” Atticus marveled at the diagrams and equations. “That sounds like some sci-fi stuff right there.”

While Lea twitched his nose in worried awe, looking around the place, he caught sight of a dark corner, seemingly a hidden corner. “I think we better get out of here. I’m starting to get the creeps.”

“Oh cmon. The day is just starting. We’ll have plenty of daylight.”

“I don’t want to stay here all day,” came the stern reply. He turned his sights back to that dark corner.

As Atticus pulled from the journal, he too saw the blackness of the one area of the building. Unlike his friend, he again found the vigor to delve even further beyond, taking unbound steps towards it. “I’ll check it out. You stay here.”

Again the rabbit stuck close, disregarding his own lamentings.

They drew closer and closer into the black depths, and as they did the temperature did seem to drop from that family warmth to a crisp coolness. A shudder ran through both of them but it wasn’t long after that, they discovered a peculiar device covered in cobwebs.

“Woah,” gasped Atticus. “What is that?” He tried to look through the journal but the darkness had grown too dense. Even as he tried to look for his cell phone, that too proved futile.

Lea continued to look upon the unique device, as it pulsed with a faint, otherworldly energy. “I don’t know but
,” he trailed off, reaching out as his paw found a lever.

“Lea, came a concerning Atticus. “Lea, are you okay?”

Unable to resist the allure of the unknown, the rabbit had been caught by the luminous glow of the machine, pulling at the lever. It activated the device unwittingly. A surge of light enveloped them, and when it subsided, they found themselves in a much brighter and illuminated space.

Atticus darted their sights about seeing that much of the building hadn’t changed and only in this corner had a brilliant light spanned around them. As he returned his sights back to the machine, in front was a metallic door with a large glass window. He looked closer, seeing on the inside were a few large jars filled with a blue-green liquid each. “What the

“What! Wh-Wh-What happened,” called out Lea, working themselves backwards. “Wh-Where did I go!?”

Atticus took hold of their friend's paw. “You didn’t go anywhere but I guess you might have gotten lulled by this

“Lulled,” he asked, shaking his head. “Told you we should have left. Now let’s go.” He tugged at his pals' own hand.

“No way,” exclaimed Atticus. “Not after we’ve come this far and look at what we found. Maybe this is the success we read about.”

Lea offered a baffled expression in response. “Success? This? Look at where we are. Does this look like a successful place!?”

“It could have been at one time? Why else would they have written about it.”

The rabbit rolled there eyes, knowing this was another discussion not worth continuing. “I guess but that magazine article was about it going out of business like I said earlier. They didn’t have much to say other than funding stopped as the company filed for bankruptcy. That was soon after it stated it made a big milestone in their

Atticus' eyes grew wide with joy, hearing that magical word. “Research you say,” he gleed, moving ever closer to the machine door. “Then this MUST have been what it is they had created!”

Another accepting sigh of defeat came from his pal. “Seems so but why would they go broke if this was what they had been working towards? There’s still too many questions that we don’t have the answers for.”

“Then let’s stop asking and start experiencing.” The human opened up the door. The sound of pressure released, followed by a waft of cold air spilling from out of the fluorescently lit chamber. Atticus senses tingle with excitement, feeling the coldness brush against their skin, making goosebumps form along his right arm as it reached inside. “For having no power this thing seemed to have never stopped working somehow.”

“Atticus,” spoke Lea, darting their head around, fidgeting with their digits. “This is getting too real right now.”

“It sure is buddy,” came the confident reply of the human. He brought out both liquid jars, even as his hands shook and shivered. “Now take one. These things are freezing.”

Lea only stood, looking at their friend, before shaking their head.

“Lea. Take it.” Atticus extended an arm, offering the mixture.

The rabbit would rather refuse and leave him to his own choices but that’s not the type of friend he wanted himself to be. He took the jar, begrudgingly into his paws. “Now what?”

“We drink it!”

“Should have known that's what you were going to say.”

Atticus twisted off the metal ring, which secured the flat lid covering it. When he removed the lid itself, a wave of potpourri smells tickled his nostrils. The mix of floral and fruit aromas registered within his memory banks. “Orange
 lilac.. Watermelon

Lea listened to their intrepid buddy, undoing their own top and as they sniffed at the contents, they too were flooded by an array of other mixed smells. “T-This
 isn’t what I was expecting.” He gave another big sniff, letting all those scents flow through up their nose, while triggering a plethora of other sensory nodes. “Goodness,” he pleasantly sighed, eagerly lifting the jar up to their lips.

“Easy their Lea or you might beat me to it,” chuckled Atticus, bringing his own to those waiting lips. “I will admit that even I wasn’t expecting this. Not to say I was expecting anything when we went down that trial mind you.”

“Sure you weren’t,” smirked the rabbit, softly moving their jar, circling the liquid inside. “We still don’t know what this is though.”

“Isn’t that makes this so thrilling,” elated the human, swishing his own, letting it rise up and plop back into itself. “Can’t say it doesn't smell inviting. Maybe even a bit intoxicating.” He giggled, bringing it back to his nose, taking another hit as he let out a satisfied groan.

The rabbit stood there, watching their friend relish in his new found drink, only to see his crotch had pitched a tent within his gym shorts. A blush came to his face, tilting the beverage as he took a sip to hide. When the liquid hit his lips, it was then he knew he messed up. As his eyes widened with fear, it was beaten back in an instant by the overwhelming burst of fruit flavors. Lea held onto the jar before tilting it further back and downing it all. The mixture coated his tongue and throat like a cough syrup as it worked its way to his stomach but it quickly dissolved as fast as it spread itself.

Atticus in amazement watched it happen, his own head filled with wonder at the unprompted act of his pal. “Well then,” he said, raising his glass. “Looks like you were more hyped than I was. Mister, keep your true feelings back.” With that, he chugged down his own, feeling the same wave of explosive flavors dance upon his taste buds, rushing down.

,” came Lea, looking at their empty glass. “Oh my
 d-did I?”

A wet belch erupted out of Atticus, finishing off his jar. “You sure did. Why didn’t you tell me you were going to do it? Trying to get one past me?”

“What? No. I
 I just saw y-you’re

Then, in the pit of the rabbit's stomach an audible rumble, followed by a glorp could be heard. Wasn’t long til the same came out of the human’s middle.

Atticus reached for his stomach, lifting up his shirt. “Did you hear that?” He kept his hand next to it, when another rumble came from it, coupled by a push of his skin. “Woah
 that was weird
,” he lightly chuckled.

“I told you
,” before he could finish, a belch worked itself up the rabbits throat, making him groan as it released. “Told you.. We
” His stomach gurgled, as it pressed itself against his shirt rounding out like a pot belly.

“Dude,” exclaimed Aticus. “You
 You just got fat!” As he spoke those words, his own middle mounted in the same fashion, followed by his ass and hips stretched out the waistband of his shorts. It was enough to send a flurry of emotions to his brain. The warmth of his newly formed belly brought a sense of calmness to it all, even though he could feel the unease of his clothing at the moment. “Lea
 I feel

The rabbit’s own lower torso had swelled up in width, bringing his paws on the sides of his hip line and measuring it before lifting it forward. His eyes swelled at the distance they now spanned from one another. “I
 I must have
 doubled in size
” He went to take a gander at Atticus who let out another groan, planting his hands against his chest. “Atticus
 y-you alright?”

 I.. hic
,” he groaned, grabbing at his chest feeling a heat well within his breast. “I feel
 they need to be freed
” He tossed his head to the side, rubbing at his pecs, when his short red hair started to lengthen and grow longer. “Bigger

“My word,” declared Lea. “Wh-What is
 hic.. Happening to us

As the human hair increased, so too did the rabbits. His blonde hair took on a thicker, shinier lust about it while his straight ears, now flopped on either side, allowing all that hair to have room. He finally gave out his own sensual groan, as his lips plumped and filled out.

“You don’t
 look like yourself
 hic.. Much Lea,” giggled Atticus. The human's own lips had plumped out themselves, with his hands still roaming across his chest. “C-Can’t say
 say I
 hic.. Disprove

As Lea went through this sudden transformation, he couldn’t help but hear those words of praise, if not desire. “What did.. Hic.. you just say?”

“I said
 hic,” replied Atticus, finally moving himself forward. To his surprise though, it was in that first step of motion, the heat within his chest took fire and his eyes blurred. He pulled and scratched at his shirt, panting and panting heavily. “So.. so hot
” He tugged at his shirt, when his toned chest eventually gave way to a pair of budding mounds. They easily took up space, rounding out and clinging to that garment like a sports bra.

Lea’s own eyes bugged out at the sight of their pal who’s upper torso continued to swell and pull at his shirt until they grew too abundant to contain.. “Damn
those are some.. Hic

 hic.. think so
 hic,..., “woozily replied the human, touching his hefty moobs. The rush of it took hold within his loins making him cry out in blissful pleasure while he pushed back on his tits, feeling the flab jiggle. “So big
 need bigger

“My word Atticus,” huffed Lea, still reeling from their own figure radiating with that same heat as their gut rumbled before surging even fuller. It pushed his shirt upward until it pressed against his softened chestline which he hadn’t even noticed til that moment. The rabbit blinked, leaning their head downward, having his double chin bulge, only seeing a mass of that peach fur being his huge moobs. They spanned along the sides of his doughy belly like a set of goose feather pillows. He groaned at the sight of himself, roaming his chubby digits at the sides of his weighty middle, which hung generously past his waistline and towards his knees. “H-How
 hic.. Fat am I

“Talk about a blubber bun,” responded Aticus, still fondling his doughy chest mounds. “That’s how.. Hic.. fat you are
” As he made the teasing remark, the rising fire that took hold of his chest now coursed through the entire system causing him to work up a bit of a sweat. “Oh fuuuuck
,” he moaned, twisting his neck side to side before a low moo noise came from his mouth. It didn’t bother him at all as he did it again and again while a pair of cute red horns sporting out the top of his head.

Lea staying a bit more conscious during this entire ordeal, held watch seeing not only the horns but his friends skin get covered by mostly cream white fur white some soft pink patches formed in various areas. Most of them made a heart pattern, like the two on the left side of their forehead. “Atticus! Y-You’re turning into a
 a cow.”

“Mooooo! A cow!? T-That’s wonderful,” he exclaimed, feeling those plush ears droop softly on the sides of his head, each one having that same soft pink fur edge. He basked in the knowledge that even his entire being was being shifted and morphed into something utterly different to who he used to be. Why was that though? Why was he so accepting of it? Those thoughts entered, muddled by the onslaught of euphoria pulsating throughout his entire system to not fully engage with them further than that.

In that moment, the cow’s own belly rose outward but unlike Lea’s there’s held a firmer shape as if they had inflated themselves but much like their buddy, it too gained its ample share of flab which sagged below at his ankles. Thanks to this added immensity, his moobs no longer looked so comical as they found a home to rest upon and splay themselves for all to see.

“Oh my,” cooed Atticus, their voice having grown softer in tone. His face now sporting those prominent bovine features, especially that pink colored snout. “I’m so soft and heavy
,” he groaned, pushing at all his plush new curves. While he tried to focus on all of it, a rather odd sensation was brought to the front of his mind. He tilted his head, trying to understand where it was coming from to realize it was behind him.

 What is back there,” he asked, slowly waddling himself around. Even that feat was a thrill, having to take wider steps to account for the increased weight of his blubberous thighs as they pushed back onto his cushiony belly. “What is it Lea?”

The rabbit looked over their bovine pal to find a tail. It swished side to side swaying over each massive ass cheek. He giggled, feeling his inner stress having slipped away, replaced by desire. “I see a bootiful cow ass with a cute tail.”

Atticus blubbery face reddened with surprise. Did you say bootiful?”

“And that you have a tail lard cakes,” waddled the rabbit, smacking a paw onto the other's rump, sending ripples throughout the heffer’s figure.

“L-Lea,” moaned the cow, as he swayed his hips with all his might, as it took up even more width, coupled by the enhancement of his giant rear end, pushing back on the reams of back fat.

As Lea continued to slap and rub their paws along the great expanse of their buddy, they couldn’t deny that they too had grown a spectacle of a butt themselves. It rose a bit higher than cow’s , creating a shelf of sorts as it plateaued next to a meaty roll of flab. He let out a erotic moan, swishing his hips and smacking at his moobs. “We’re so
 fucking massive
, he huffed, trying to lift up his middle, only to find that his cock had shruken. Not only due to the enormity of his crotch that had bloated into a medium sized belly now swallowing it up but he could tell that it had lessened its own manhood.

“Goodness me
,” he blushed harder, cheeks burning with sensual curiosity. “I’m
 I’m such a mega chub fem

“You too,” bellowed Atticus, as that same sensation washed over their psyche. He pushed back on his mammoth moobs, making those swollen mounds wedge against his thick neck ring. The cow felt their entire form had shifted, leaving them feeling more in touch with those feminine qualities.

The two caught up in their lust towards themselves, and for one another that they hadn’t noticed that not only had their clothes ripped away but at the same time a giant fundoshi had secured itself around each of their monstrous bellies and butts. It spanned from around each of their backsides, being forced in a downward pull, cupping above their respective navels and holding it steady, while a lower and thicker piece reached from the middle of the vertical section and went fully under and mashing their bellies against their respective fupas. It continued to run upward, between those mountainous ass cheeks and sinking deep into those dark chasm of an ass crack.

A sense of pressure alerted Atticus, dipping his head to a side and even though most of his vision was obscured by his own flanks he was able to catch a glimpse of the pink fabric. “Wha
 What is that?”

Lea looked over to the question and with the help of not only the illuminating light of the corner they now had outgrown, but the sunlight which filled the open building saw the garment. “Are you wearing a fundoshi?”

“I think you are too if I’m seeing what you are.”

The more Lea observed the mix of magic and science had given to their friend, along with themselves they felt a new warmth hit inside their heart. This was different from the one he experienced from the transformation. This time, it swelled deeper and more directly for the cow within his vision. He moved himself closer, knocking the front of the belly against the others backside making an audible plop as the two fat masses collided.

The moment struck Atticus, nearly toppling him over but thankfully he was still sturdy enough thanks to his feet acting like anchors. “H-Hey! What are you doing back there!?”

Another mighty bump came the rabbit, letting out a heady sigh, as they felt both of their bodies greet each other, and creating flabby waves through their reams of adipose. “God this feels wonderful you lard cutie,” he called out, giving out more moans and huffs.

Atticus had never seen this side of their pal but it was one that elated him, striking a beat to his own breasts. Before he knew it, he too was returning the favor by rocking himself back and forth. His mind being filled with visions of them together and parading around for all to see the whales they had turned themselves into. “I
 I love you Lea,” he cried out in a fit of passion.

“I love you too,” echoed Lea.

The two had been lifelong friends since public school days and at some point each of them had discovered a special bond for the other but never dared to risk the friendship they had by sharing it. In this special place and chain of events all those inhibitions had been cast aside, and replaced by lust, desire, thirst, and the all encompassing horny,

Lea kept landing hump after hump onto the cow’s titanic ass mounds, making them quake and tremble to his efforts, while he huffed and moaned. That small dick of his throbbed, oozing out his jizz effortlessly even if he could barely notice it. “Fuuuuuck! Why are you
 so damn fat and
  sexy you bitch boi

Atticus mooed loudly, eyes glazed over by the lewd act being done to them but one they would hope to never end. The doughy hang of his belly shook, slapping back at his thighs which only increased every sense to his already tender form as every inch of his bulk was jiggled. “I
 I’m your
  bitch boi

“Damn straight you are,” exclaimed Lea, letting all of his mass slam violently against his buddies' colossal backside.

The two titans of femboi blubber continued to bask in one anothers enormity as Atticus could feel his submissive nature warp his mind, letting out giggle fits between those sensual moans.Their entire bodies rippled through their reams of flab after each powerful smack sounded through the broken building.Neither caring who, if anyone heard those cries of passion as they found new purpose towards each other.

In time they were able to quell those lustful urges and slowly plodded themselves back to their home. Which was a feat all on its own as they took numerous stares during their trek back but it never stopped them to make sure a pose was struck or a flamboyant grab at each other's weighty rolls.

After they returned back, settling in. Lea had an idea, a most erotic and fruitful one, they hoped. “Why don’t we start an Onlyfans!”

Atticus turned his cherubic face, pressing against his dense neck ring of fat. “Onlyfans? Us?”

“Why sure,” the rabbit proudly replied, smacking at his massive belly. “We gained this for a reason and more than for us to fool around with.”

The bovine blushed, remembering the moment in the lab and how grand it felt to be used in such a fashion. A soft groan slipped from his lips, pressing at his huge moobs. “I
 I guess

“Then it's set! I’ll go get it going and we’ll do our first video tonight!”

When the first video was made and loaded, it didn’t take long for it to catch viral status within that portion of the internet as fans flocked to see what else they had in store. It sent the pair into a constant cycle of euphoric pleasures ranging from stuffing one another, chug challenges, and who could get themselves off the fastest by their blubber alone. The fudoshi’s could only last so long til they grew too comfortable keeping one another naked, and free reign to explore more.

It skyrocketed them into a space of fandom they hadn’t dreamed but at the same time had increased their own girth by a considerable mile. They ended up needing to hire a contractor to construct an entire new home to account for their added dimensions and to give them a few years of growth before they more definitely would need to do it again.

“BWWWWWAAARRRRPPPP,” belched out the mammoth sized rabbit. He sat on his industrial crafted couch made of reinforced steel, layered by thick cushions. It spilled well past where arms normally would be but left open for how useless they would have been to such a glutton as he was. “T-That was
  some good

Another guttural gas blast sounded from the heffer, sitting across from his partner in a similar styled couch while his belly splayed out on the floor in a magnanimous flare of indulgence. It stretched across more than half the width of what was between them, pushing back onto Lea’s own indomitable middle. The moo’s digestion could be heard throughout the house as all those burritos sloshed and churned around with the empty two liter soda bottles they had sucked down now strewn across the floor along with a plethora of open wraps.

As Atticus sat their, moaning, eyes swirling on the edge of falling into one of their varying food comas. His pudgy paws flailed at his sides, while he was at the mercy of all the food he had consumed and it rolling inside him, forcing out a mounting rise of his belly while all the soft dough at the bottom jiggled. “So
. More
,” he dronned out, leaning his back onto his massive neck rolls.

Lea no longer surprised by their pal still expecting more as they were on the verge of knocking themselves out even as they too could feel sleep tugging at their eyelids. They dipped their head, to gaze at the sheer vastness they both took up, only to be greeted by his bloated moob cushions. The pair had risen not due to their own blubber packed mounds but the pressure of his full middle. He hiccuped between his deep cleavage, coupled by the symphony of noises coming out of their stomachs. “You
 hilp.. Said it
 get some

Before he could finish, each of them zonked out, snoring up a storm as it caused their behemoth bodies to ripple and prod at one another reams of unabashed hedonistic gluttony until they would wake whenever only to do it once more. The red light of the camera stayed on, catching it all on the live feed they had streaming to the thousands of fans flooding the chat with all manner of debauchery on how they could force them to eat even while they slept or how they had inspired some to begin their own descent into the realm of obesity. While multiple similar comments entered, the donation notification never relented, making sure they’d be prepped for the next one.


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