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Hello everyone! 

Coming to ya with another update on our situation in Texas, this time from the folk's desktop since mine is out of commission at the moment (well more like its at the other house we're slowly moving our stuff into in Beaumont). 

Speaking of said move, so far, things have been sorta smoothly, or at least as smoothly as we can make it. We've been keeping an eye out on the weather; so far, its been kind enough to let us move some more of the bigger things with overcast keeping the sun out. The humidity is....well I'll just have to get over it, but lets just say, i don't need lotion for those types of weather. >_> Right now, we're getting near the final pieces of furniture to move to the new house, which include: a large office desk set, a big display case, beds, the sofa-bed, and the TV stuff. Also we have the Internet cables and junk. My boyfriend and I moved most of our larger stuff, including laptops and my desktop, to the other house as well, so we've been using a laptop that Arc found and I' using my Surface pro so I can work when possible.

Sadly, one mistake I made was that I forgot to copy the current commission and Patreon reward files I had already started TO my Surface so I've forced to work on the commissions and rewards I haven't started yet and rough them out (and or finish if possible). So right now, a good half of my work is on my desktop computer at the other house. 

In terms of being able to work, other than having a bit of a weird workspace (I'm on the couch with one of those small wooden dinner trays), it hasn't been too bad, and I've been able to focus a bit, when I can, on work. We do have to go out a fair bit to fetch food for the folks during the day but it's usually only about 2-3 trips, so I'm not mad. 

Plus I CAN ACTUALLY GO OUT with Arc whenever we want, for the most part. So I've been taking advantage and seeing the area. 

Like I may have mentioned before, the area in Orange is pretty nice, albeit a bit old and there's not much to really do for us. Beaumont, however, is a whole different situation. They apparently had a bit of a boom and there are a lot of new business in the area. Reminded me of some of the more bustling areas of Sarasota actually. Plus, we will be closer to Arc's friend who drove us to Texas in the first place, and he's a chill dude (and one hell of a game collector, jesus I'm jealous). 

So yeah, I'm super stoked about finishing this move, because I just wanna relax and be able to draw in peace.....and hopefully play my copy of Persona 5 soon because I've haven't been able to since I bought....like almost 3 weeks ago.  >_>

This week, I will be working almost exclusively on rewards. (at least as many as I can). This week, however, is apparently going to be a lot of furniture moving this week; mainly the final LARGE pieces. Hopefully things go smoothly but I will message everyone in the sketch tiers on the pic updates.

Ok, I think that's all I have on the docket. (Sorry, been watching too much Law & Order again). I'll post up again with more updates. I'll see you all around. 




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