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The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the dense jungle as Dr. Frank Thornton hacked his way through the thick underbrush. A renowned linguist with a passion for unraveling the mysteries of ancient languages, he found himself in the heart of a remote and uncharted region, drawn by whispers of a forgotten civilization.

His journey led him to a secluded valley, hidden from the prying eyes of modern civilization. As he ventured deeper, the air thickened with an unfamiliar sense of anticipation. The foliage began to thin, revealing the entrance to a cavern concealed by the overgrown vines. “Great wonder,” he marveled with mighty Intrigued. After the initial shock, Frank cautiously entered the darkness.

The cave, surprisingly expansive, revealed itself as more than just a natural formation. Crude furnishings, fashioned from the surrounding materials, dotted the chamber. All of them though looked at those they held someone or something clearly twice, thrice his size even. It was a glimpse into a primitive existence,and yet what gave them a moment of pause was how lived in it felt. He marveled at the intricacy of the arrangements, the meticulous design that spoke of a surprising understanding of aesthetics. He slowly moved himself further inside, pondering who could possibly be living out here.

“What a find,” he muttered.

His fingers traced the rough walls, and he couldn't help but feel the presence of the one who called this home. The cave echoed with a resonance that transcended time, as if the presence of its owner still lingered.

“This is remarkable,” smiled the male. “I wonder if I could meet whoever resides in this place.”

Deep within the shadows, Frank’s keen eyes caught a glint. A subtle shimmer that beckoned him closer. He approached with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. There, partially buried under a rock slate, lay a silver bangle—a delicate artifact that seemed out of place amidst the primitive surroundings.

“Great wonder, " he said again, gingerly picking it up. The cool metal seemed to pulse with a quiet energy. The craftsmanship was exquisite, an anomaly in this rough-hewn world. Intricate patterns adorned its surface, telling a story that transcended words. Olivia, captivated by the enigma he held in his hands, felt a surge of excitement. This was more than an archaeological find; this most certainly would allow him a chance to greet the owner of it.

The cave, once a mere refuge for the forgotten, now beckoned Frank to become its interpreter. He continued to study not only the bangle, but the strange writings which must be their language.  He brought out a flashlight, illuminating the space as the sunlight grew less and less, and moved closer to one of the walls.

“I… I can’t seem to recognize this dialect.”

His darted back to the bangle in his hand, shining the light over it, noticing a small engraving on the inside of it. As he held it closer, what at first appeared to be the same symbols soon shifted into his own common language, English. “Great wonder,” he awed, keeping his fixation over it. “To those who… wear this… shall know their purpose…”

He lowered it, quickly bringing it back only for the words to have shifted back to their original text. “Purpose? What purpose could this offer,” he questioned, flashing the light across the area with no other changes. “I guess…” Frank inquisitively stared back at the intriguing item. “This might allow me to converse with the possible maker of this.” In one quick action, he slipped the bangle over his hand, and let it fit around his wrist.

In the same moment, it fixed itself snug and secure around it as if it had been mechanized to do so. Frank’s eyes widened, as it happened, only for more to unfold. His attention was pulled away, even though he still felt the cool metal now pressing against his skin as the entire space grew luminated by tufts of fire springing forth along the walls. There was nothing to sustain or even start where each new flame appeared but heir they stayed, blazing. “Great wonders,” he replied, feeling his body shudder with a mix of fear and curiosity. “H… How?”

“How,” answered another male voice, this one much deeper and rough in tone. It swelled around the air. “That’s easy.”

“H-Hello,” frantically, Frank called out. All that musing had drained away when the strange voice entered. “W… Who are you?”

“Me? I’m the one who lives here. The one whose home you trespassed on?”


It laughed as it grew louder and deeper, filling the entire space.

This caused Frank to move himself backwards, clutching onto the wrist that now wore the bangle.

“And that too. That belongs to me or I guess now to you.”

He dipped his head to look at it, voice shaking. “You can have it back. I was only on a journey of discovery.”

“Discovery you say,” the voice asked, lessening its imposing force.

“Y-Yes. I’m a doctor of language and…”

“I see,” said the voice now behind the doctor.

Frank’s entire body grew stiff, as the hairs on his back stood up and he held his sights onto  the bangle as if it was the last thing he’d ever see again.

“You humans are creatures of many things aren’t you?’

“Y… You could say that,” he replied, giving a subtle chuckle.

“Oh but I just did. It’s not a ‘could’ but a statement.”

As the voice drifted closer, the male's vision soon took hold of a large green visage from his peripheral view. It took up more and more of his sight, starting with a thick torso, sporting a round and taunt middle, and an ample backside of half meloned ass cheeks.

The green figure, knowing it was all the smaller male could do, stared at him and flashed a toothy grin. “Like what ya see there handsome?”

“Y-Y-You’re a…”

“Hmmm? What am I?”

The bangle that had secured itself around his wrist and offered a cooling touch, started to course up his arm and through his entire body. He let out a gasp, lifting up his arm as the chill took hold, sending all his thoughts towards it. “Wha… What’s happening?”

The commanding green figure came into full view as the fire tufts filled out even further across the cave walls in a long connecting line. They flicked and crackled as it illuminated everything in its warmth. In the middle of the room stood an imposing statue of a man, an orc to be precise.. He cupped a big hand behind one ear, turning his head. “What  that? I don’t think you answered question?”

Frank was too occupied by the lower temp of his body to properly respond, as his teeth slightly chattered. “Why… Why am I so cold? W-W-With all this… f-f-fire…”

The orc let out a cocky laugh, pumping his huge pec mounds, which jutted out effortlessly. Each one splayed on either side of his rotund muscle gut, and knocked down on it as they landed after the boisterous showing. “Cause you wearing bangle. Those who do only feel relief once taken.”

“T-T-Taken,” Frank shakily asked, crossing his arms. “W-W-What does that mean?”

The burly male smirked, rubbing a hand through his thick and coarse black beard which ran from one side of his jawline to the next. It grew bushier as it worked itself where his chin actually was  and connected to his dense mustache. His head on the other was clean as a whistle, with not a single hair in sight. As he finished working through his beard, he brought his hand to the top of his head, offering it some rubs before stepping closer.

Frank was too cold to move, coupled by his thoughts too jumbled up to clearly understand what was now towering before him. His sights looked onward, watching as the fella had on no garments of any kind. It allowed his well-endowed manhood to swing freely. That alone was enough to bring a blush to the human's cheeks, as he had never seen someone be as blessed as this orc was. His length and girth was like that of a four by four wooden shaft. That was only half of his loins to boot. What jostled behind his cock as a pair of swollen orbs, which tugged on his sac immensely like a couple of oversized basketballs.

The orc taking a greater notice that he was being ogled by the human, grasped his own length in his rough palms and gave a couple pumps to it. “Like what see,” he snarked, pumping it a few more times as his ample foreskin barely worked itself back to bring his piss slit into view.

The human gulped, his face beat red, feeling his heart fluttered with heat while the rest of him still held that biter cold.

“Take that as yes,” he grinned, tugging at his foreskin and stretching it. He gave out a sensual groan, as he bucked his hips making his nuts smack against his thunder thighs of muscle. “I’m gonna take you and fill you with my warmth. Then you’ll have a reason to blush.” He brushed himself against Frank’s body, showcasing the massive disparity of their size. Frank’s head only reached at the orc’s crotch and that’s with him standing at a solid seven foot six inches.

Frank again gulped but as he did, his nostrils got filled with a thick and heady scent which potpourri’d itself through his senses and even filled his mouth. As he sucked in the orc’s musk, his head grew dizzy, and those thoughts fuzzy. He leaned himself closer, feeling all of that chill lessen.

“That’s right,” he smirked. “Come to Daddy. Daddy Grak.” He landed a large hand over the human's head, pushing him further onto his cock. “Now kiss it.”

As he heard the command, it resonated within, like a welcoming call. He pressed his lips together and landed them onto the orcs member followed by another and another. With each kiss, he felt even more of the cold wane. His hands and feet no longer gained warmth, along with each limb to come.

Grak grunted, still pulling on his foreskin, before letting it go as his fat dick smacked the human across the head and nearly knocked him off his feet. “Oops,” he chuckled. “Forgot haven’t properly grown you yet. Can’t go hard with if I don’t want break you.”

Frank stumbled away from the lewd blow, as he caught himself. He turned his gaze back towards the orc, his eyes filled with need, and he buried back to his side. “Great wonders,” he groaned, going back to kissing. “I love my Daddy. Daddy is good.”

The Daddy in question tilted his head, a bit intrigued. “Now that’s a first. It typically takes me some time to rewrite one of you but guess I was too captivated this time.” He flexed his pecs again, followed by flashing his backside once more. “So you love Daddy huh? Want to be like Daddy?”

“Oh yes. Very much so Daddy,” he whined, pawing at the orcs' huge bubble butt. “I want- No! Need to be like Daddy.”

Another haughty laugh sounded out of the domineering male, running his hand behind the human's head. “Well then. I’ve changed few humans in my time to become members of clan but think you’ll be my first sub.”

Another stroke to Franks mind landed as he heard that singular word, sub. His entire body grew more limp as he laid himself across the orc’s massive frame and all the cold from his body evaporated. “Oh yes Daddy! Make me your sub. I’m your sub and only yours,” he cried out , thrusting his hips as he humped along that green tree trunk thigh. “I need to be taken by you. Changed by you. Let me… learn and be like you Daddy…”

Grak could only chuckle, feeling the soft prodding of the human, which felt more like a mosquito than actually humping but it was enough for him to return his hand back to his junk. “Then. You must have. Daddy spunk.”


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