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 Hello everyone!!!
Sorry for the lack of updates and journals during this month ^^; but I have GREAT news

We have finally started moving the rest of the furniture and are practically 85-90% done with that!!!
All that is left is the:
-2 beds, the sofa/bed
-stuff that can be boxed up!

The folks actually went with the plan to get a UHaul truck big enough to get a good chunk of the furniture in. (Was a bit of a bitch getting it in there because of the 3 tall and large armoires the parents had in their room.)

Sadly, while we might be able to finish this during this weekend, the parents decided to just take back the UHaul truck for now, and finish up during next week. Honestly, I'm ok with this, because that gives everyone time to get things packed, the stepdad can get his doctor's visit stuff done, and we will be ready to go when get the UHaul truck again. Plus, WE'RE ALMOST DONE, and I'm sure the folks are now seeing how close we are.

I do hope they don't try to pull any new projects but I can't see much of that happening since there's not really much left to do anyways.

As for me, I don't know how much work I can really get done, since other than packing, I don't know when we're gonna get the UHaul. For the most part, I will be mostly just trying to finish up Patreon sketches, and roughing out what I haven't started for commissions. I'm trying not to stress out too much about these until we are situated at the new house. Also, I don't know how I will be planning out my schedule for all this, so I will be looking for good ways to properly update my schedule and make and journal post about it.

Again, thank you for your patience throughout all of this. We're almost there! ;_; finally

Well seeya later!!


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