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Hey everyone! I've been meaning to write this sooner but I was just too focused on updating my Twitter and Facebook more-so. 

Well, things have been crazy over the last couple of weeks. As you know, Hurricane Harvey hit Texas and sadly, Orange, where we live currently, got hit pretty hard. Though it wasn't AS direct as Houston's case, it did do some damage to the area, with some flooding and a power outage. 

Our house and the surrounding area was fortunate enough to avoid flooding but the power outage was still a problem, along with flooding on the roads making it near impossible to go into parts of town. Fortunately, my boyfriend's mother managed to reserve us some rooms at a hotel in Lake Charles, which is in Louisiana and not too far from us. (We live like UBER close to the border of Louisiana). Also, some of the flooding in the area and the roads began to recede at a really fast rate, so we were able to get food and eventually head out of town to the hotel, with my boyfriend, his stepdad, mother and stepbrother.

The L'Auberge casino hotel was pretty swanky actually, but it took me some time to calm down from all that was happening and just try to enjoy myself while we were safe and in a much nicer setting. We had to leave that hotel because we only reserved 2 nights and there was a big influx of people from the hurricane so the rooms filled up. So, we went to another not too far from that and that's where I am currently.

While we were here, we ended up calling the house to see if the power was on and BOOM that answering machine clicked on! After checking the energy company's Twitter, we confirmed that our place and that area has power. Also, the house we were moving to in Nederland (near Beaumont), was confirmed to be safe from the flooding so our other stuff (including my desktop PC) is SAFE!!!! 

So we're going to be heading back tomorrow so here's to hoping things are truly ok. We will most likely be focusing on moving to the new house (I am HOPING!) this week, so work may STILL be awkward in the next few days. 

=_= I will be working to reschedule and message everyone that need to about rewards. I'll try to bring updates and content when I can. 

Thank you for reading and I do hope you understand. Things are looking up, and I hope things continue to do so, because I want to keep providing work to you all and make up for what I lacked before. 

I'll see y'all around!! 



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