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Hello Patrons and those just following me.

Well, things in Texas has been picking up speed a bit. We've been really busy moving stuff around between houses as well doing yard work and deconstruction.  Sadly this has definitely been cutting into my drawing time and just eating up my energy and motivation, which has been really frustrating me a ton lately. The silver lining to all of this is that we're almost done with moving.

The main things that need to be done before everything is finished, moving-wise, is for us to:

-  build this storage shed (which includes us having to level the ground out in the backyard and THEN build on it.)

- Move the rest of the couches, chairs and beds.

- Move over the TV and internet stuff. (like the physical things like TV boxes and modems

Right now, things are gonna be in a bit of a standstill for the time being due to the rain and thunderstorms, so we won't be able to do much of any yard work (from what I can tell). I want to say that this is a blessing and a curse since that means that while I have more opportunities to make more progress on commissions and Patreon stuff, still means that it'll push back out final moving plans a bit. 

Also a minor problem: since the living room has lack of privacy, it can get awkward working when the folks walk through. I would say that fact that stepson is gonna be out of town for a few weeks (or he's moved out, and I just didn't realize it), but the outlets are in weird spots for me to work with soooo yeah, not much of an option. I've managed though, it's not too bad. 

So for now, I'm just gonna try to trudge through and get as much work as I possibly can during this downtime.

Again, I want to apologize for the lack of content lately and just over weirdness that's been happening. Things have been getting better.....slower than anticipated, but still. Soon, we'll be done. (I hope)

Thank a lot for reading and hope you have a great day. 


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