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Wish I had google translate for Texan ;)




It's that succubus aura isn't it?


will this be the first time in this series where he actually sticks a cock in

Ian Brown

Haha! I'm fluent in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama and well versed in other regional dialects. I could provide translation services if required! XD

Cahn Siumartinez

And now we allude to a Clerks like situation where we discuss if having sex with a centaur is beastiality or not.... Forget that, lets see what happens next. *gets the popcorn*


Well beastiality is defined as a human having sex with an animal. Last I checked centaurs were mythical creatures so I'd say we're in the green.


Aaaw yeah


A Google Translate plug in for Texan... That'd be both awesome and hilarious. An' I can say that - gots family involved.


I may take you up on that! Just keep in mind Jackie is an exaggerated cartoon of a Texan, the folksier the saying the better ;)


Human erection vs horse vagina. I hope our boy's got some cubie power on this side because he's diving into hard mode if he doesn't have his own hard mode.