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hm this is a turn I wasn't expecting.

Andre Leitao

The artist is really good!


technically since he doesn't change into wolf he'd be theriantropoe not lychanthrope

Cahn Siumartinez

so is this a nightly thing or does it go with the moon. Would suck if it was random nights. Makes dating a little more complicated.

Andre Leitao

The comic is very good, but I'm missing the updates here!


Wait... I thought "lycanthrope" specifically referred to werewolves? It literally means "wolf-man" in Greek.


Normally I'd agree but some authors/artists use the term lycanthrope to cover most "weres" like in the Anita Blake series

Brian C

I'll be honest, I would like to read this comic, but not at $6 a month. That is my complaint with comics and mangas in general, for the same price, I can buy a book that can keep me entertained for hours, where a manga is done in an hour, and a comic is finished even faster.