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 I will be testing more of this format, this time with the topic of WG and Stuffing (bellies, fatties that sort of stuff

The winner will have 4 individual pictures of WG based on YOUR suggestions left in the comments of this post. Second place gets 3 individual pics and third place gets 2. We are looking for individual scenarios for each pic.

Unlike a Poll this post will remain open so all suggestions not used this weekend will be considered for future posts.



Fattening feedback: She is using a magical vehicle that uses her magic to be able to move but it suddenly malfunctions and instead taking magic from her, the vehicle is giving her all the magical energy that it has been absorbing instantly fattening her up until she is immobile and the vehicle is crushe by her weight.

Captain Rocko

Hungry Hungry Hippo Curse - Mirajane finds a magical item that looks like a Hippo lady but when she picks it up it turns into sexy figure and she turns into a fat Hippo lady. And on top of that she's now super hungry. So she starts eating anything and everything she get her hands on until she's to fat to move.