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Jester's Resort- Callie Briggs

  • a) Summer Pranks 29
  • b) Showtime Frenzy 29
  • c) Toony treatment 93
  • 2023-08-30
  • —2023-09-01
  • 151 votes
{'title': "Jester's Resort- Callie Briggs", 'choices': [{'text': 'a) Summer Pranks', 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'b) Showtime Frenzy', 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'c) Toony treatment', 'votes': 93}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 1, 18, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 30, 20, 42, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 151}


Scenario descriptions:

a) Summer Pranks: Staff is pulling pranks on guests again, this time involving special fireworks, placing firecracker in her cleavage while she’s sunbathing once it explodes it causes her breast to expand slightly while also leaving her with a funny face full of gunpowder, later they place one in her buttcrack but instead of lighting a wick the light up her tail which quickly burns up causing her to do a wildtake in pain before the the firecracker goes up and it expands her butt with the explosion, now looking furious and with her butt inside of the pool to cool it while the staff has a laugh, the final prank comes at night where they fool her with a cutout of a attractive hunk, she makes a bedazzled wildatake (eye hearts with jaw and tongue dropping to the floor and when she stretches her lips to kiss it it explodes into a colorful spectacle at the end we see her smoking and covered in soot before dropping to the floor.

b) Showtime Frenzy: She enters the set of the evil hands tv show, like a cartoon she’s so confused and everything is happening so fast she just goes along with it, first they boost her appeal by inflating her head and and then squeezing it causing all the air to move into her body giving her an hourglass figure, the ratings are going up so the evil hands move to the next segments of the show, where they take her really high up so she can dive directly into into a glass of water, they give her a little push causing a wildtake on her on the way down but she manages to squish into the tiny container, the audience cheers while she tries to get her head of of the glass of water, once out she looks like she’s about to scold the hosts but the evil hands grab and stretch her tongue to wrap her body with it and then pull, she spins like a tornado and once she stops we can see she’s with a dizzy wildtake and parts of her stretched out tongue on the floor and some still hanging from her body while the audience goes crazy for her.

c) Toony treatment: Her hourglass beauty treatment is completed but she agrees to some extra treatment without even knowing what it is, so the hands begin to work they spray her with some special lotion that makes her body squeaky and shiny, she actually likes this part of the process but then they move to the next part, they squish her body down by slamming a hammer on her at first looking like an accordion but once they let go we see they shrunk her down turning her into a curvy shorstack, then the hands wrap themselves around her waist, arms, legs and neck and squeeze stretch them out , returning her to normal height but with those part looking way thinner than before, finally they grab the hammer once again and hit only in the head causing a wildtake that quickie turns into a sheepish bimbo expression,they grab her lips to puff them up a little bit and add some lipstick and now she’s ready, at the end we see her wobble away with her new toony hourglass bimbo look.



We have toony antics and slapstick, the proportions will be big but nothing that overshadows the cartoony stuff going which is the main focus of this one. Just added a lil bit of expansion to spice it up.