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Scenario descriptions:

a) Cutting in line: She’s going around the beach looking for something to eat when she finds a single food truck, starving she begins to order everything they have on the menu, growing in size with every bite to the point she no longer needs to float to reach the counter, once she’s taller than the truck itself, staff gives her the bad news, they are out of food, feeling upset once she listens to her grumbling stomach she gets a drastic idea, she stretches her mouth really big and starts swallowing the truck it self giving staff barely any time to get out of there, at the end we see her resetting on the beach, huge and happy and the shape of the truck partially bulging out  of her belly in the process of digesting it.

b) Atomic Juice: New radioactive flavor. She’s offered a new drink  which turns her into a kaiju…ish, the first sip just gives her a bloated bottom look, she loves the tingling sensation so she has some more and soon her torso becomes larger and fatter (head a limbs do get a little chubbier but most of the weight is going to the torso), her belly touches the floor and she’s not only wider but taller too, consumed by the feeling of power she drinks the whole bottle and soon her fat body begins to towers over the staff, mailboxes, cars! and…small houses...turns out she only becomes slightly bigger and more plump than the regular sumo shape well known in the kingdom, an inconvenience at most, staff is quickly able to wrap themselves around her and drop her fat butt to the floor before she’s able to do any significant damage.

c) More S'mores: While camping she’s offered a smore, she likes it fine at first but then she ask for another one and another while she starts to get chunkier with every bite, getting taller and wider to the point she no longer looks like a gremlin but a much bigger creature let loose in the woods to terrorize campers and steal their precious marshmallow snacks, we see her attack campers and eat their stuff each time looking bigger and harder to stop,loud burps sound through the woods. The nightmare comes to an end the next morning when they find her stuck between two trees with a huge tummy ache and surrounded by uneaten treats, staff trying to set her free while she tries to not lose her lunch.



Some weight gain, large shapes and some object vore for the lil gremlin. Next week we’ll have an inflation double feature.


You know, I’m honestly not surprised Midna won this poll, considering she’s got a good track record already.


Ooh, i love all of these, i may be a bit salty Edge was never gonna win (I dont blame people since i love midna and pearl too) but im looking forward to her piece and i can always keep campaigning for cute rabbid girls!