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Firestorm blade

Wobble magic, PLEASE be wobble magic~!

(RJ) Roger

Please Goo Pile. We barely see Melting with Comical and I think it be perfect for Wonder Woman.


all nice options. would have liked flattening most but seems like thats losing

flexible people

I understand the demands of the masses and the whole shtick of patreon votes....but I would also go for a melt from Comical at some point

(RJ) Roger

Agreed, it be nice to see especially since the idea is really sound. But people love inflatables even if I would love the goo idea to win or at least second place


NOTE: If we have a tie or a one vote difference between ideas, both ideas will get a one page comic each, one with Wonder woman and one with the character in second place of this week's poll.


Poll's Over: "Save the whales" wins with 58 votes.