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Lola - Mid-gain Scene and Story

Lola has not gotten as much of a detailed intro as other characters, so I think it's best to give you all a sneak peak for her storyline. (Although, being the start, nothing is set in stone yet):

  • As hinted by the intro, Edie and Lola are meant to have a 'growing' rivalry in the game. Lola is a natural flirt and Edie is more of an introvert: something that caused problems for the duo not so long ago. (Lola is the second newest member of the team.)
  • Besides that, she is a foodie, a party animal, and a hedonist to the bone who lived most of her life without having tasted fried and fast food.

The poll will be up until Friday and suggestions for other scenarios are welcome as always.



I feel like I'm voting against a bunch of vinella people, homey literally work's at a experimental drug center, and y'all want to see someone experience chicken and waffles for the first time tf 😂

Mr C

My friends do not be deceived by "chicken and waffles" be interesting and do number 3 or 4, don't thy be a basic bitch, thy should be interesting.


Lola vs Eddie FTW!


We need to start pulling together and get control of these votes the vanilla voters almost got this one too they won the last one 😂


Glad to finally see the interesting result on the poll! I hadn't realized that this game might have "sci-fi" elements like mixing chemicals to drastically change someone metabolism, but now that the possibility has been proposed, I'm all for it! (I guess that skinny Debora also has something to do with that) On a side note, all the scenarios could be one! You know, Lola invites the MC to help in a project, makes a move to him now that they are alone, Eddie sees them and tampers with the chemicals out of jealousy, resulting on Lola accidentally making the apetite and pleasure enhancer, and before knowing the side effects of the serum, Lola and the MC go out to the dinner where she tries the waffles and fried chicken combo. It doesn't seem all far fetched, I certainly wouldn't mind!

Phedro Lipecheno

Your intuition about Deborah is on the right track (though, I won't spoil the story by saying more). But there'll definitively be more sci-fi elements in the future. About your side note: given how competitive this poll was, I think combining options would have been a great way to go. However, I started rendering the scene days ago, when the poll results came in, and changing course now would delay the update. :(


You are very well set up for extra content then! It could be a very good way to create alternative versions for the girls once they reach sizes that DaZ does not support or even change the girls sizes in game to return them to previous stages and enjoy those sprites once again if you liked those parts more Again, a very awesome project you got here. I got in because of the girls, but I'm staying because as far as this goes, this is already on the classics category. Keep it up, and don't forget to take care after yourself, the best game is a finished one