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Hi to everyone. First, thanks for your support in making this project up and running! I appreciate all the comments and feedback given in the last day and a half, as well as the bug/typo reports. In the next days I'll be working on fixes and balancing variables for the debugged, in particular:

- The goal weight / diet variable.

- The odds and progression of the dialogue generation system.

- Georgina's restaurant keys event.

- Glitches after Sakura becomes unavailable.

- Cues to let players know when they have reached the end of the current content.

As soon as that's done and tested, I'll replace the current link and post about the change. (If there is something missing aside from what I've mentioned, please let me know in this post's comments so I can adjust it as well.)

Second, when it comes to the July update, I want set the course early to organize my tasks and hit the ground running. That means that I'm going to post a character polls soon which will be open until Monday 20th, to decide who will be the focus of the next build; and, accordingly, next week I'll post a link to receive suggestions for (and a poll to decide) what the mid-gain scene will be for the winning character.

Lastly: if you have noticed some empty space in the MC's phone, it's because there are some remaining feats that I want to develop in the long run. Namely: A contacts button (so you can ask the girls out on dates) and a gallery button (to navigate unlocked scenes and pics).

The plan right now is to make Contacts functional for July's build, opening the option of on-site dating to the places you've already seen as well as others in the future.



In 2.1 when picking intro and going to see the bakery. No images for the background of the bakery or the sprite for Gabrielle are loaded. "You turn around to see the barista singing and picking coffee from a shelf." This is when the first Gabrielle sprite loads, still missing the background of the bakery until the "some time later..." black screen transition in the scene. Going to Chez Cochon on a Saturday when you have the key and try to do some work when Georgina isn't around , still gives you the dialogue of needing to go to work, despite not being able to choose work as an option from the overworld map. I'm not sure if working on a Saturday is supposed to be possible either but you can when you pick the "I can't I have to work" option from Chez Cochon on a Saturday if Georgina isn't around. This might be related to being unfinished but after unlocking Georgina's first weight stage and having her transition to being upstairs. You can still find her downstairs sitting on a stool with her base sprite when she is a lower weight. This happens occasionally when you enter into the Chez Chochon. Monique has a weird transition were her sprite appears from the bottom of the screen and rises upward when she is working in the bakery. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be an indication of her being bent over behind the counter and popping her head up. But compared to Gabrielle's sprite entrance it seems a bit jarring.

Mr C
