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Hello everyone!! Today, we are starting our second episode of Bon Voyage S3!! In this episode, we complete a challenge to see the sleeping situations, take a boat ride and explore Malta some more! I love just living vicariously through these boys, and I am sooo excited to see more! I hope you enjoy! 💜💜💜


Bon Voyage S3E2 Part 1

Watch Landon Andries's video about Bon Voyage S3E2 Part 1. Find the best moments, speech, people, objects, text, and more.



oh, in this boat I would probably be Hobi (that happens to be my bias), drinking and dancing around the quiet friend (yoongi is quite like a friend of mine, in fact). and Hobi uploaded a video of him dancing to this drake song back then, when the dance challenge for it was trending. (I still go on their twitter, to this day, and watch it whenever I lack energy.)


jikook are such the perfect pairing, they spent alone time on the boat together the night before after dropping the other backs off at shore then were being the cutest walking around, I was actually in malta 2 weeks before them so I love this season so much