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Helllllo! I hope you are all having a great week so far!! Today we will be catching up from last week and starting with watching the behind cam for Ep 6, and then we will watch episode 7 and the behind cam for that! I can't believe this season is coming to a close soon, but I'm excited for the future of what is to come next! Love watching these boys live life to the fullest with all these adventures! 🥰🥰💜💜 Hope you enjoy!! 


Bon Voyage S2E7

Watch Landon Andries's video about Bon Voyage S2E7. Find the best moments, speech, people, objects, text, and more.



I wish VMIN was paired at some point solo for this trip, but I love when they’re paired in Malta! They really have such a sweet friendship, I love their moments in Bon Voyage (especially season 2 & 3) 💜 but I love the Taegi pair so much and I love how they got closer after this trip and how it carries over into Run BTS too 🤗 overall Hawaii was probably my favorite season because it went so smoothly and all of the members were present the whole time!


Sometimes i wish there was footage of the POV of that epic army in the bus who recognized them while riding the atvs. Whata lucky gal! This would never happen to me though as I’m so oblivious of my surroundings when I’m in public