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Wooooooow, it has been a hectic morning already! I tried to go check my P.O. Box, and I blew a tire. 😭😭 Luckily it was less than 0.2 miles from a mechanic's shop, so I will say it could have been worse! Luckily I recorded this video yesterday, so I can still share it with you guys! In this video, we will be watching 21 Bangtan Bombs and 1 Episode from BangtanTV's 2014 collection! You can find the videos I watched in a playlist here: 


With that being said, I think this was a sign I need to relax today. So I'm going to make some food, and binge something - haha! Maybe I'll rewatch some old Run episodes again. 😜

I hope yall have an AMAZING day, and I will be back tomorrow with some new videos! 💜


Bangtan Bombs 4


Preston Heldibridle

In all four years I have always heard it pronounced closer to the second way, with both syllables stressed equally, not melon like watermelon, but others are saying it is like the fruit so now I'm a lil confused lol. Unless maybe its bc the fruit melon is pronounced differently in different accents. Where I'm from, the fruit is pronounced like "melin" which is not how you say the award/streaming service.