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Hey guys!! Happy Tuesday! Today, I wanted to bring you a Patreon exclusive video from two people that you may know very well if you are a member of our Discord community! This month, Diz and Emily wanted me to pay them for their amazing work as moderators in the Discord with a request video! And, though it is strange that I am using myself as a payment, I was very okay with it. :P

In this video, Diz and Emily request that I react to the BangBangCon units for Jamais Vu, Respect and Friends! 😭😩😭😩 And damn… these boys are amazing.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it! <3 As I said yesterday, I have moved my Taesclusives video till tomorrow to allow more time for voting (since I forgot to post it 🤪) I hope this was a good way to make up for my mistake! 💜💜💜


BBC Units

Watch Landon Andries's video about BBC Units. Find the best moments, speech, people, objects, text, and more.



i was freaking out when jamais vu happened but landon when i tell you i just lost all rational thought when respect started (context: namjoon and yoongi are my biases) like i mean literally just burst into tears and could not form a single coherent sentence for the next few minutes and i was absent-mindedly watching friends and it took me literal hours before i was ready to process and discuss respect (more context: i don't usually react to things like that where i just go completely no thoughts head empty mode) god what a day that was

Jessica McGuire

BangBangCon The Live is now available to watch on Weverse! The whole thing!