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Hey guys!! So SORRRRY that this is so late! :( As I stated in the video, I accidentally left packages that exposed addresses on my shelving system. Because of that, I had to severely chop and edit the clip to make sure no one’s info would be leaked. My computer was having a veryyyyy hard time processing all the new backgrounds and stuff, so it took way longer than normal to export. My bad if there are any glitches or anything in there 🥴

I apologize for how different this video looks, but I wanted to savor my genuine first reaction however I had to. 🤪😭 I also blame my delirium for not LOOKING BEHIND ME before I clicked record 😭😭

With that being said, I hope that you all enjoy episode #26 of RUN!! This was a very fun one, and my tired brain had a lot to say. 😂😂

I won’t be able to watch this one with you all on Discord, because I spent almost 8 hours making this and I need food, a shower, etc. But I will be back on tomorrow with more videos! Love you all and hope you enjoy! 💜💜 


BTS Run: Episode 26

Watch Landon Andries's video about BTS Run: Episode 26. Find the best moments, speech, people, objects, text, and more.



ohh tae is a big time cheater every chance he gets...


and the legendary Kim Seokjin team was born!! hahaha