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[PLEASE READ]: The Future Of My Patreon (long post + poll) 💜

  • Keep prices the same & cut back content 126
  • Slightly increase prices and keep the content rate 228
  • 2020-06-03
  • 354 votes
{'title': '[PLEASE READ]: The Future Of My Patreon (long post + poll) 💜', 'choices': [{'text': 'Keep prices the same & cut back content', 'votes': 126}, {'text': 'Slightly increase prices and keep the content rate', 'votes': 228}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 3, 23, 48, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 354}


As we are drawing closer to the end of the lockdown, I wanted to get y’all’s input for the future of my Patreon. 

I wanted to start off by saying, THANK YOU SO MUCH to each and every one of you. I have read every single comment. I have loved every single conversation I get to have with y’all in my messages. I have loved learning from each and every one of you every single day for the last couple months! 

Because of the ending of the quarantine, my regular job will start up again soon and it leaves me with a dilemma. I’ve been able to crank out so many videos during the quarantine because that is how I controlled my anxiety while being stuck inside. Once we start to reopen, I won’t have all the time I used to have. Also, as much as I wish I was, I am not capable of creating this amount of content while also working my job, so I will need adjust accordingly before my position returns.

So, I wanted to see what you all think. 

There are two options that are in my head, but I am open to feedback. :)

  • Returning To Work/Keep Prices The Same
  • I keep the same tiers and put out 1 episode of Run a week, 1 exclusive video a month, and give access to unedited videos. But I will have to eliminate the request option, as I won’t have the ability to crank out the 15+ videos a month that it requires on top of my current YouTube videos.

  • Continuing Patreon Full Time/Increasing Prices
  • With the support of you all, I will continue doing 2 Run episodes per week (eventually adding in Bon Voyage), keep request videos (plus add longer request video options), Unedited/Early Access videos, plus more time to do live streams, Q&As, behind the scenes, talk to you all on Patreon and discord, explore other BTS video topics, etc. If this is my full time job, I will set more permanent schedules and invest more to bring new types of content.

The increase in prices would be a dollar or two more for each tier (and some would remain the same, or get added perks). This not only accounts for Patreon's new tax system, but it helps fund new equipment for higher quality videos, the ability to buy things to unbox, and create more diverse BTS video experiences in the future! 

(BTW, I barely make anything from YouTube ad sales, and have yet to be paid from them. I will discuss this more in the video)

**KEEP IN MIND: IF YOU ARE ALREADY A PATRON, YOU WILL BE GRANDFATHERED INTO THE NEW TIERS. This means that you will still continue to pay $2 for Run episodes and $4 for the exclusive video, Run episodes, unedited/EA videos. But, grandfathered tiers will not be given access to watch the request videos, as I was giving access to everyone in the first initial months because there wasn’t a tier for it. Please note, that 5-6 request videos will make their way to YouTube in an edited form. So, you won’t be missing out completely! (And the request tier added discord access, so you’re not just paying for those). I hope that you consider upgrading, but since you were all the first ones here, I want to say thank you by offering the grandfathering system. I love y’all so much and without you I wouldn’t be here. <3

I 100% understand everyone is still completely shaken from not only the pandemic, but also the injustice in our country. And honestly, I hate that I even have to bring up this topic at such a horrible time in our world, but I wanted to be 100% transparent with y’all. 

I also wanted to say: I know exactly what the ARMY is doing for me, and I respect and acknowledge it SO MUCH. <3 I am not doing these increases to become some really rich YouTuber, and using the boys to profit off of. I have so much fun doing these videos, and would love to do it full time, but I would never want it to seem like I do it only for the money. I hope you all can see that. My life has been changed completely by these boys. Not just by the amazing community they have given me, but by their music and words. Their music has me wanting to find my recording equipment again. Making me want to look into dance classes after lockdown. Wanting to go to a concert (where I previously had a harder time in huge crowds) and this is all so different from where I was a year ago. A year ago I was in a dark place. I won’t get into that now, but I just want YOU to understand that you guys and the boys have improved my mental health drastically. It’s mind-blowing. 

I will be making a video giving a LOT more detail about all of this SOON! In the video, I will give exact updated tier prices, how much taxes affect me, my income from YouTube and Patreon, and more. But, I wanted to get some general feedback before I made any decisions! None of this will happen until July, though. And, I still have a great June planned for you all! :) 

Lastly, I want to say thank you again. Whatever has to happen, at least I know that the boys are in my life for good, and I will continue to do all I can to bring you some BTS entertainment! 

I have never used this phrase before, but honestly after doing my research and really understanding the meaning behind it, I feel like I finally can. I PURPLE YOU ALL. I trust you all. I love you all. I will stay by your side no matter what happens in the future! 💜💜☺️☺️

If you’ve made it this far, I appreciate it and apologize for this being so long - hahah! Please feel free to leave your feedback and I’ll read over them and answer back the messages you guys sent me later tonight! 💜



You are amazing at this, so I hope you are able to continue to do what you love to do. Also as an FYI about 'I purple you' if you ever see the word 'borahae' that is the romanisation of 보라 해 which means 'I purple you' in korean 💜

Stephanie Klym

at first I thought, "don't quit your job! you need balance. Don't overwork yourself." But then what you said at the end about how much BTS has helped you and how you're feeling motivated to DO more and live more, I think that's a really positive thing for you. Maybe going back to work would give you a break away from all the content, but maybe this is a new normal for you that will lead to better things? I don't mind paying a bit more at all. It's already such a small amount each month. Whichever option you go with, I hope it leads to happiness :)