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Hey guys! I hope you are having a great week so far! As promised by the schedule, I present.... A CHAOTIC MESS WITH PAINTBALL GUNS. Or as some call it, Run Episode 7! Haha I loved this episode SOO much and have to say it was definitely one of the most intense! Had my blood pressure RISING! I hope that you all enjoy it as much as I did! 💜

Oh and may have ONE more lil present coming to YouTube later, so keep an eye peeled! 👀 


Run Ep 7



Run BTS is so much more intense and funny when I watch it with you Landon!


While watching this episode all I could hear was cameron phillips voice for the 'if run bts was dubbed' is that video only of this episode? because if it is, Landon should definitely watch that video. I feel like his humor matches to that humor XD


AH! I just tried to find that video and I can't!! Did it get taken down for some reason???