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At Cat Island, dig into Duke's conch salad to stoke up for your hike to the highest elevation in the entire Bahamas. Theresa takes us on a tour of the historic hermitage. It's a bit of a hike, but it's a fascinating look into the life of the famous Father Jerome. We see more than the usual amount of land based animals. How many do you count? 

Let's see if Dave can make it all the way through this religious shrine without bursting into flames, and can you write Dark Angel in the guest book of an historic religious site? Asking for a friend. 

Round off the whole day with a celebratory beer with friends back at Dukes, and get ready to set sail back to Conception Island!


SDA42P Hermitage Tour and Fresh Conch Salad. Cat Island!

At Cat Island, dig into Duke's conch salad to stoke up for your hike to the highest elevation in the entire Bahamas. Theresa takes us on a tour of the historic hermitage. It's a bit of a hike, but it's a fascinating look into the life of the famous Father Jerome.


Paula Derflinger

Great video! Watched Monday night!! Loved the cave!!! Land-based animals: cow, two snakes, bird, two termite nests.

Sailing Dark Angel

and a partridge in a pear tree.... not sure if that made it onto the video. There were so many animals we had to watch our footing. WHAT was that bug that tried to latch on to Dave??