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Here you can download two versions of this map (.mp4, .webm and .jpeg):


Hope you enjoy using this map and thank you for your support!

Also you can write your map ideas and needs here.
And you can check out these patreon pages for more animated maps: Advanced Animated Dungeon Maps || Cybermaps




Do you think you could please share the main folder link for Google Drive as you usually do? That helps me sort things and keep them organized easier, otherwise I have to go one by one with every map and type. Thank you very much! Everything is looking amazing! :D Let me know if you happen to get to the Waterclock map I sent previously for Rultmoork. Thank you so much! :D


It's like that because the main folder is for Divine and higher tiers this time. But for this particular map it's possible to divide the main folder into two, so I did that, enjoy I don't think I got anything about Rultmoork


Then who have I been speaking with on Discord DMs who is claiming to represent you?