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Each floor of the castle has a north wing and a south wing, which can easily be interchanged to create different buildings.

I intentionally avoided square tiles on the floor, knowing that many of you play on nonstandard screens. If this is the case - I advise you to download 4k maps and scale the maps to your liking.

Here you can download both wings of the 1st Floor (.mp4 and .jpeg):


Hope you enjoy using this map and thank you for your support!




Hey. Thank you for this map. This is something I was looking for. Do you plan to add some maps like this, but with a big open space ? The hallway take a lot of space for example. The same map without the 2 walls could create a good place for fights.


As always, love your maps. I run my games in Foundry, so I find that the WEBM versions work best for my players, even though I am subbed for 4k. Maybe I am just overlooking it, but where is the WEBM for Castle 1st Floor?


Thank you! Yeah, I just noticed that I didn't upload the .webm for the 1st Floor, fixed it!