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The bustling market square has always attracted not only adventurers, but also pickpockets, who are always looking for an opportunity to steal their gold-filled purses.

Here you can download day and night versions of this map (.mp4):

DAY Grid: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KbZf4UtWda-7WLEHczLRTPSNPKFNrutd/view?usp=sharing

DAY No grid: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fRF7_0sDZEMhqlqiT7iLIx0EL8B9lIBh/view?usp=sharing

NIGHT Grid: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vJxraXMYePs0U9DZ8W86h2Hh83RNviZQ/view?usp=sharing

NIGHT No grid: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mjk5ycZBxQ_OuVig_iWjq594kVdbmDWJ/view?usp=sharing

plus the .webm version for online platforms

day: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vAa0q3_8FeR1BJk2xgZzwps4KSPdKFwv/view?usp=sharing

night: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zPBE_0Tmfbci2_MraCjtXVzzYMUgrp4O/view?usp=sharing

Still versions are attached to this post.

Hope you enjoy using this map and thank you for your support!




These are fantastic!


These are great! Do you have any plans to do any modern-looking maps, like for Call of Cthulhu (ala Mansions of Madness and others)?


Those look nice but not really what I was looking for. Looking for something you can use for a modern (not sci-fi) game like Call of Cthulhu or a zombie game. The ones I've found on DriveThruRPG aren't that great. But I also understand that it's a smaller market. I'll poke around some more.