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There hasn't been any news of an expedition to the Forbidden Forest for several months now. What happened to the experienced colonists? Did they manage to tame the fierce force of nature or did it absorb them without leaving any trace?

Here you can download main version of this map (.mp4): 

Grid: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RTJQmSBBcCWXXAki7YTUqFrOp1xMlSJ0/view?usp=sharing

No grid: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v7bpVKlLFKxguzB5tChlv71eUI65lRFv/view?usp=sharing

webm: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C8rp_o40-EoS7_34-4u9c8Q-MsmidVPG/view?usp=sharing

Still versions are attached to this post. 

Hope you enjoy using this map and thank you for your support!



Morgan Oviatt

Dude, i have a complaint and a compliment. Your stuff is so gorgeous. Your stuff is so big. My Roll20 laughs at how big the map and my ideas are.

Trevor Speer

Dude. SAME. I had make one of the files into a gif at significantly lower quality just for roll20 to be able to upload it