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This is the second floor of the tavern built around the fallen Nautiloid that was posted last month.

Here you can download main version of this map (.mp4): 

Grid:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xdn1e7Q66tYU_ak1BWZ_PY39ksFrgtXS/view?usp=sharing

No Grid:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1deS7J8UYRZ-_VTPZtm185blc8cnflS1a/view?usp=sharing

WebM: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ap2mYB8lK6wLpRxkU_-sern8qV_BFi-p/view?usp=sharing

Still versions are attached to this post. 

Hope you enjoy using this map and thank you for your support!




Beautiful and theres so many story hooks i can do with the view of the first floor. Speaking of which, is there a map of the first floor that I missed?


Thank you! There was a first floor with Nautiloid (https://www.patreon.com/posts/nautiloids-end-37130059), and I'm working on a first floor without the Nautiloid now