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The top of the great sacred mountain rises above a peacefully sleeping settlement. Pilgrims used to be able to use a lift, but recently somebody damaged it and the only way up is a long way through tombs. A foreteller says that a great evil has settled on the top and an ancient portal has been opened.

I noticed that many people like to put their own terrain on screens, so as an experiment, I made a version of this map with no objects in the middle. I also kept areas of light where you can put your own lights minis.

Here you can download all versions of these maps (.mp4 and .jpeg):


Hope you enjoy using these maps and thank you for your support! 

I also had a little bit of free time and made a remastered version of one of the latest maps, hope you'll like it too: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mjN9Ay3978k2z7p1aggqsvF8bpho4L1p




This is great! I'll be using as the portal gave access to the Underdark as the party descends through the caverns to the Underdark city of Maerimydra.


hi! i can't find a free converter large enough to use the maps in roll 20. is there a solution?