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Note: Yesssss it's back.

I thought there was a good chance I would be sick as followed Tiberius down the stairway to the trainer's podium. Distantly, I heard the roar of the crowd around me, but it all sort of blurred in my mind. I felt disconnected, just focusing on not losing my lunch.

In contrast, Tiberius practically skipped down the stairs. I had to call him short and pointed him to the arena entrance so he wouldn't follow me to the trainer's podium.

Only then did I realize I'd had virtually no trouble with the stairs at all.

My idea to bond with Arcee had been a bust, but the agility was fabulous. I couldn’t regret it.

The announcer saw me coming and helpfully pointed me to the correct podium. Across the way, I saw Todd standing at his own. His gaze met mine and he leered at me.

I dredged confidence up from somewhere and sneered back. As I did, I felt my spine straighten with newfound resolve.

I had to go in here like a competitor.

It was as if the world snapped into focus and I realized that the audience wasn't roaring for my blood. It had been the roaring of blood in my ears. Sort of like when I used to walk into the cafeteria and think everyone was staring at me... only to realize it was all in my head. Everyone looked at the girl who'd just walked in. It wasn't personal.

Ascending the podium, I discreetly wiped my sweaty palms on my pants.

The announcer was bellowing out our names and the stakes of the match – we were playing for keeps-- which drew a susurrus through the crowd. Interestingly enough, I never remembered giving that info to any official before. Todd or one of his cronies must have done it.

The dragons came out from their arena entrance one by one. I felt Todd's eyes on me as the Void Dragon was announced and came into view.

It was a magnificent dragon. It was about as large as some of the donkeys I'd seen around the village. Dusty black, the hide had streaks of vivid blue on the underside of the wings and across the hide, like crazy beautiful highlights.

I felt Creepy Todd's gaze boring into me as the void dragon was announced with a super pretentious name: (Name).

I looked back at him with a 'what?' expression clear on my face.

He frowned and I realized my error. I wasn't supposed to know about the Void Dragon. Oops.

Too late now. I rolled my shoulder in a shrug, trying to project a: Who cares if you have a magic nullifying dragon? It doesn't upset my plans. My cat-sized dragon can totally take that on without magic.' vibe.

Before I could see if it was successful or not, Tiberius's name was being called.

My little fennec dragon all but trotted into the arena and even did a little circle in place to the applause of the crowd. He was totally hamming it up, and despite the fact I felt like I felt sick enough to throw up my own liver... I couldn't help smiling.

"Trainers! Are you ready!?" The announcer’s voice jerked my attention back to the present.

At his podium, Todd nodded and wrapped his hands around the double quartz crystals. Now that I wasn't watching from the bleachers, I saw how his eyes immediately went blank as he connected with the Void Dragon.

Quickly, I copied him and wrapped my hands around the crystals. Show time.

Weird that there were two quartz crystals here when it only took one during practice duals--

I didn't have time to finish that thought before my mind was yanked away from my body. It was nothing like the gentle mingling of two minds when Tiber and I had dueled before.

This felt... industrial.

One second I was in my body. The next, my consciousness was flying down the thin opal thread of connection. Then, I was abruptly slammed into Tiberius's body.

He seemed startled -- or maybe it was me. For a weird second, it was hard to tell the two of us apart.

All I know was that I only felt my own human body distantly.

Outside, the announcer’s voice counted down. "Three... two... one... Fight!"

I was very glad for the little amount of practice I'd received dueling with Jane. It was the only thing that had kept me from staggering around in confusion.

Tiberius's enthusiasm for the fight helped sweep me up.

I knew that I had to act fast.

Charge! I thought.

I ran straight at the Void dragon. My four perfect legs pumped so fast that it felt I was flying across the arena floor.

In our mingled mind I felt Tiberius activate the charging special attack. Heat built under me, lending us speed. I knew without looking that we left a line of fire in our wake.

Immediately diving into one of our special attacks was a bold move. Hopefully, it would be quick enough.

But as much as I hated Todd, he was no slouch.

The Void Dragon extended black wings which shimmered blue on the undersides. Gathering itself, it rose onto its hind legs and slammed back down to the ground.

With that, an invisible wave of force swept over me.

In my mind -- Tiberius’s mind -- I saw a message flash up not that different from the system messages I'd received before.

(Void Dragon) has used Area of Effect Attack: Null Wave.
All external magics have been nullified for the next three minutes.

Firstly, receiving messages like that was new. Secondly: Crap on a cracker.

I had a split second to process the message before the null wave ripped away the heat and the building fire was snuffed out like a candle. My next step fell short, but momentum still carried me forward.

I tripped, tail over ears as I rolled on the sand, completely out of control.

The crazy speed we'd been traveling at made it so I stopped my roll a few feet within the Void Dragon.

Somehow -- mostly through Tiberius -- I managed to regain my feet just as black tipped claws slammed down.

I jerked away just in time. The claws were so close that I felt the wind of its passing. They'd been sharpened to a razer's edge.

No! I refused to be knocked out of the game this easily.

Tiberius was a fast little guy. But my anger must have carried with it agility I'd never had before. As quick as thought, I whipped around and latched my teeth on the wrist of the forepaw.

Fire erupted from between my teeth as I clamped down, hard.

Well, look at that. The Void Dragon nullified external magics, but making everything Tiberius ate into ash was pure internal power.

The Void Dragon bellowed and shook his forepaw. I released my grip and was flung away. But again, my super agility kicked in. I flipped end over end, but I wasn't out of control. I twisted my head until I oriented to the ground and then flung out my limbs.

A throw that would have sent me crashing into the fence panels turned into a bounce as I sprang off it sideways and landed on the ground with a hop.

Okay, that was not normal.

Tiberius was nimble, but I'd never felt anything like this before. Even Tiberius seemed surprised.

I had a hunch that I had carried Arcee's agility with me into my link with Tiberius.

I had no idea if that was normal or not, but it was an advantage and I was going to use it.

I needed that agility because with a roar of fury, the Void Dragon barreled at me.

The tactics were clear now. The Void Dragon's first task was to nullify external magic, which were the bread and butter of special attacks. Then when it's opponents were weakened and off guard it would finish the fight with those big sharp claws.

It was a brawler, but kind of a slow, lazy one.

I felt Tiberius’s lips lift off his teeth as I grinned.

As the Void Dragon rushed at me, I rushed at it. Again, it swept its large clawed forepaws at me. I effortlessly hoped over it, and with a second leap I head butted it right in the sternum.

The move wasn't charged by a special attack but I still heard a satisfying 'Oomph' as the air rushed out of the larger dragon's lungs.

Then I ducked away as it tried to swat me again. Running under it, I doubled back and bit it on the tail.

Again, my internal fires lit and again the Void Dragon bellowed. This time I was ready to be flung through the air and released at the perfect time to carry me to a landing halfway across the arena.

Locking gazes with the Void Dragon -- With Todd -- I spit out one black scale.

It wasn't much. Actually, neither of my bites were because the Void Dragon had no trouble putting weight on its paws -- but I'd still been the first to draw blood.

Suck it, Todd.

The Void Dragon snarled and threw its head back, its lungs expanding wide.

Uh-oh, that looked like preparation for a special attack if I'd ever seen one before. The initial null wave still had time left on it, too.

We need to stop it! I thought, charging forward.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Maybe hit it in the belly again. Something to interrupt whatever was about to happen.

Tiberius felt... hesitant. Like he was trying to tell me something, but wasn't quite sure how.

Well, I didn't have time to figure it out. We had to interrupt the next attack.

I sprung forward, but it was too late.

The Void Dragon let out a bellow that was more force than sound, but played havoc on Tiberius’s extremely keen hearing anyway. It was a moment of sound loud enough to make me cry out followed by intense pressure and then...

Then it was like I couldn't tell up from down.

I staggered in place, feeling the world whirl around me like I was trapped in a twirling carnival game. I felt the sandy soil under my paws, but it wasn't proof enough to my mixed up inner ear. I fell to the side, stunned.

(Void Dragon) has used Vertigo!

Great. Some sort of vertigo AOE.

My only saving grace was that it took a lot out of the Void Dragon to cast the special attack.

It fell back onto all fours breathing hard. Then, seeing me down, it came lumbering over.

Tiberius and I kicked futilely and somehow managed to get upright, but the world was still spinning out of control.

Tiberius came in clutch and dodged in a random direction as the claws came down. We must have looked like a drunk escaping an oncoming car by the skin of our teeth.

The worst of the vertigo was fading but not quick enough.

This time the Void Dragon swung its head like a baseball bad and landed a perfect hit. The impact sent us tumbling.

Wearily, I climbed back to my feet only to see the Void Dragon advancing again. I tested the idea of the ring of fire special attack, but it was as if it hit a roadblock. The timer on the null wave still counted down. One minute left.

This was going to be over in the next few seconds.

Again, I got that feeling from Tiberius... like a child tugging at the hem of my shirt.

Listen to me, he tried to say. Do you trust me?

I do, I thought. Of course I do.

Then let me do this.

Okay. I handed him the metaphorical wheel.

I had no idea what Tiberius had in mind -- I didn't think he had a plan at all. But in any case we were a team and I wanted to be with him to the end.

He just... stood there as the Void Dragon advanced. Still woozy and beaten.

The Void Dragon smirked just like Todd as it brought up a paw to contemptuously swat Tiber aside. Probably not too hard -- he didn't want to damage his goods -- but enough to end the fight.

And still Tiberius just stood there. Adrenaline coursed through our veins. It raised the hair on the back of my neck.

... actually, all the hair was raised as if there was an electrical charge dancing over my skin.

Could this be some kind of precursor to an electric attack? But... no, that was impossible. We were still in the AOE Null zone.

Whatever was going on was internal.

The Void Dragon's claws came down to rake across my face.

I felt the tips of the claws rake into my nose, but there was no pain, no gush of blood. In fact, it felt like the claws passed through my flesh.

Simultaneously, bloody gashes appeared down the Void Dragon's face. They were hideous, just missing one of the eyes and leaving long furrows across the muzzle.


You have discovered special attack - Sly Fox -
Since this attack is fundamentally different from the previously learned special attacks -- Tiberius has broken into the next tier.
Tiberius is Tier two!

A change swept over me. I felt my muscles thicken, my limbs lengthen, and there was a curious itchy sensation along my back.

I wished that Tiberius stood in front of a mirror, or I had more time to admire myself.

Unfortunately, the fight was still on.

Good going! I cheered.

Tiberius let out his typical 'yarp' but there was a new, deeper resonance to it.

Let's finish this!

He surged forward. The vertigo was gone and as we rushed toward the Void Dragon we put on a burst of speed.

Fire ignited under our feet. The Null AOE was gone.

I tucked my head and slammed into the reeling Void Dragon hard.

Tiberius must have gained some weight with the tier two upgrade because the Void Dragon was knocked entirely on its back. Its head cracked against the arena floor and I heard a distant roar of frustration from Todd's voice.

He'd been knocked out of his dragon's head.

The announcer led the cheering audience into a count of three, and the Void Dragon didn't rise.

We'd won.


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