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Note: Sorry for the wait everyone. News has not been so hot on the family front. One of the aunts is still very ill (though everyone, including myself seem fine!). Times have been tough but one thing that's kept me sane and optimistic is thinking of this book and doing some more plotting for the next. I can't wait to show you all what's in store.

The plan for the moment is to post chapters out quickly to finish this arc up. This one ended up a little short... though no cliffhanger! :)


Granite opened his mouth to answer but was drowned out when Roan tipped back his head and roared in laughter.

Starella stared at Corvus as if he had lost his mind.

"But... but you cannot simply give royal dragon eggs to non-royals."

"Why not?" He turned to her. "Because it's never been done? Do you think someone who has only seen the inside of the palace walls should be in charge of such an important life? Do you believe the palace is any place to raise a baby dragon, now that you're out of it?"

By the consternated look on Starella's face, she hadn't thought of the palace in those terms before. But she was hardly convinced.

"Corvus," she insisted, "you cannot just give the power of a royal dragon companion to anyone."

"I don't intend to give an egg to anyone. They'll have to earn it on top of choosing a path capable of having a dragon egg."

"And they'll have to hatch the damn thing," Gwen muttered.

Corvus turned to her. "That will be the easy part. I want as many dragons in the world as possible."

Starella sputtered. "But... but..."

Roan took pity and leaned a friendly arm across her shoulders. "What the Princess is too polite to say is she doesn't want just any common folk to have the power of a king."

She sent him a grateful, though guilty look.

"It's no different from any of the nobles being born with elemental talents," Corvus said.

"But King Orphus is gifted with Talent--"

"It doesn't matter, Starella. The King is powerful because he rests in the seat of authority... and that authority has been waning over the last centuries. Look around you. A monarch hasn't set foot in this city in living memory. The only reason a noble hasn't made it into their own city-state is they must travel back to the capitol to recharge their elemental gifts"


"Meanwhile, you told me yourself that the war is going badly. We need dragons."

"Yes, but--"

"You don't understand. You haven't hatched yours yet, but you don't want him to be all alone, do you? Except for Charm and Daffodil for draconic company his entire life?"

"Oh, would you let me ask a question?!" She stamped her foot. "I wanted to know if you intended to help me hatch my egg."

Corvus blinked.

"You... aren't worried about me seeding draconic power across the kingdom?"

"I am a Princess," she said, "And my Path is of Gravity. I dare anyone to take power that should be mine."

Arrogant. But if she were on his side...

Starella continued, "And I will hardly have complaints as long as I get to hatch my dragon, first. That way I will have a leg up on the competition."

There she was.

Corvus almost rolled his eyes.

Gwen didn't bother to hide her eye roll as she turned to Corvus. "I hope you have a way to feed all these dragons you plan to hatch. I know how much Charm eats. A flock of dragons will wipe out the city's resources."

"I... have some ideas." Mostly to curb the hatchings so that the city wasn't hit with a ravenous flock of dragons.

Corvus turned to Granite, who, to his shame, was still waiting to speak.

"My apologies. Is it possible to add these dragon eggs to the store and only make them accessible to people with the Path to hatch them?"

"... Yes..." Granite said at length. "When we find something worthy of addition... something magical... we add them to the store. The system... sorts them automatically."

"Someone couldn't buy a dragon egg and give it to someone else?"

Granite thought for a moment. "It is possible... but unlikely. If you... mark the value high enough..."

Corvus quickly translated that for the others.

"That's it!" Gwen said. "Make them real expensive. Only Path walkers who are eligible see the eggs, and then only those who run through the maze enough to get the tickets can buy a dragon egg. And only if they want one. No offense, but you two seem to think that everyone will want a dragon. I'm perfectly happy with NightShade."

"I'm finding a way to give Cloudy wings," Roan said with a grin.

"I'll help," Corvus said. "You can have my tickets -- enough to get you started with essences."

"If I know Charm, she'll have you back down here licky-split to buy some for her," Gwen added with a grin.

Corvus wasn't foolish enough to take her up on that bet.

He looked to the nest guardians. "I need an egg to test the theory and see if this works."

There was some hissing, grumbled conversation between several of the guardians. One peeled off and returned shortly with an egg. It was kind of a green-blue color, shimmering and iridescent.

"One of... my favorites..." it hissed.

"I can see why,” Corvus said, taking the egg with appropriate reverence.

They all walked back through the tunnel and to the 'Winner's Lounge' and the ticket redemption store.

Expressions were hard to read on a nest guardian's craggy face, but Corvus thought he saw Granite’s dismay when he saw the mess.

"We will... clean this," he said. "But if you wish for... these changes... the guiding runes must be changed... to admit visitors." He touched one claw to the ring of runes around his neck.

"I agree," Corvus said grimly. "I'll find a way to break the runes and set you free."

"We have guarded this place... for all our lives. It is an honor... that we will continue."

"I appreciate that," Corvus said but it's wrong to have you compelled to do so."

He sighed, feeling a headache build behind his eyes. Safely breaking the runes would require research. He had an entire library of runes and runic theories to go over... and many demands on his time. Not the least of which was Daffodil's threat to the palace.

"I need a list," he muttered.

"There is... no rush."

Granite held out his craggy hands which had four fingers tipped with claws. Corvus carefully set the egg in his hands and Granite extended it to the empty storefront counter.

Though the glass was shattered the inner workings of the store remained whole. A blue light scanned over Granite and his name and level appeared in the air along with another message:

Set ticket price.

"Can the price be altered later?" Corvus asked.

"Yes," Granite said.

"Let's see the store's evaluation." He was curious to see if a royal dragon egg was valued as more or less than, say, changing a Path.

Granite nodded and carefully placed the bluey-green egg on a lit panel on top of the counter as if it were made of spun gold.

The system scanned the egg. Then a ring of runes blazed to light under it. With a shock, Corvus saw they didn't look too different from the ratkin transport system Daffodil had created.

The next second the egg vanished.

"Where did it go?" Corvus asked.

"Deep... deep underground. A storehouse... vast."

"Is it accessible?"

"Only by guardians." Granite's eyes seemed to take on a dangerous glitter. "We... are dragons. No one may steal from... our horde."

"Why do I get the feeling I was just threatened?" Roan asked.


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