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Hey all!

As October is winding down, I wanted to give an update and share news.

First, a few people have messaged me and YES every November patron will be receiving a free copy of Path of the Dragon Mage: Exiled. It’s currently with a final proofer (to catch those last typos) and I plan to have it out to you all middle of next month before the official release date on Nov 23rd.

That being said… I would appreciate a review on Amazon if you enjoyed the story. :)

Just in case anyone wants to support by buying anyway, the preorder for the amazon eBook is here, and the preorder for the audiobook is here.

In other news! I’ll be participating in Write-A-Thon on Royal Road AND NaNoWriMo. Why? Because I’m insane. And November is typically a slow month for me, work-wise. Might as well take advantage of it!

If you want to buddy up during NaNo, here’s my profile. (I'm under Author_Seabourne). 

It’s another LitRPG but I’m not going to reveal details on the plot yet as it’s way too early to tell if it’ll be something worth publishing. Besides, I have plenty of other projects to keep me busy. This is an excuse to write out a plot bunny without worrying about quality.

The Write-A-Thon book will be Under Wicked Sky, which is a post-apoc/horror story. Perfect for Halloween, and as my patrons, you will get advanced chapters. Here’s a link to the table of contents, and I’ll be uploading more through the month. Sadly, there’s no LitRPG elements. I started writing it before I knew about the genre, and I didn’t want to go back and shoe-horn stats in.

That's everything! Here are the main links to the table of contents for my current projects:

Path of The Dragon Mage (Exiled and Nomad)

Reborn As a Dragon Tamer 

Under Wicked Sky (2021 Autumn Write-A-Thon project)

Full Novel Download:

Astrid vs The Asteriod



What do you mean by free copy of the book for November patrons and (because I am seriously green to using patron with rewards and stuff) do I apply for said copy?


Nothing you need to do! When the free copies are available (Likely next week) I'll post a download link that only Patrons will be able to see. Then you'll have access.


Hey, i think chapter 66 and 67 are not tagged for PotDM2 Would be cool if you could fix that.