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Hi all!

Happy (almost!) weekend!

I've been working with a cover artist and finally have the new cover for Reborn As A Dragon Tamer. Here it is, in all it's glory:

(And no, that's not Tiberius she's taming but another upcoming dragon.)

Look for more updates on that soon. Speaking of, I'm in need of names for future dragons. Tiberius was named for Captain Kirk, so I'd like to keep to a slightly nerdy/pop culture theme with future dragons.

Thanks all! 


River Asmussen

If she gets a Duck Dragon (or similar) I vote she name them Jar-Jar

Munirah Hutchinson

She could name one Sanderson for the author. Or Melange if there's a dragon that heals and such. Serenity for a dragon that she rides.


Oooh, serenity as in from firefly? A man of culture, I see.


She was familiar with isekai, suggesting she watches a decent amount of anime. Perhaps a secondary character from overlord would do her well?


You could name the second one Luc after Picard or Katheryn after Janeway